Forum Solo ads How can we get a discount code in Udimi?

8 posts / 0 likes

Hi all,

how can we get a discount code in Udimi?

Thank you.

2051 / 19
62 posts / 39 likes

Do you mean how to create one? On top row AFFILIATE and then further down you can create code

19 posts / 10 likes

As a buyer, you can randomly receive a discount code each time you rate a completed order.

8 posts / 0 likes
Patrik Radacic
Patrik Radacic on 17 Apr 2019 at 16:33

Do you mean how to create one? On top row AFFILIATE and then further down you can create code

I'm not an affiliate, I meant as a buyer.

8 posts / 0 likes
Paolo on 17 Apr 2019 at 19:50

As a buyer, you can randomly receive a discount code each time you rate a completed order.

I see..thank you for the reply:)