Forum Solo ads Seeking Solo ad to desktop only

5.0 (3)
1 post / 0 likes

In the last couple days I spent on clicks. I will complete my review down the rodet towards the sellers. its to early and wish not to dwell on no sales method yet.

1st run 300 clicks 89.32% 301 subscribers (video optin)

2nd run 200 clicks 30.05% 61 subscribers (page optin)

3rd run 1000 clicks 27.51% 263 subscribers (page optin)

4th run 500 clicks 22.32% 73 subscribers (page optin)

5th run 300 clicks 10% optin w/2 trials (still running solo)

2300 clicks/ total on solo ads. All which serviced its purpose. Currently no sales at this time. So this week before I spend an amount like this. Can someone deliver to desktop only this would help me with my A/B Testing.

and my other question am i see this correct a solo run had a higher optin on video than any page optin?

everybody else good will hunting

5.0 (250)
176 posts / 29 likes
Lyarnell on 14 May 2019 at 16:25

In the last couple days I spent on clicks. I will complete my review down the rodet towards the sellers. its to early and wish not to dwell on no sales method yet. 1st run 300 clicks 89.32% 301 subscribers (video optin) 2nd run 200 clicks 30.05% 61 subscribers (page optin) 3rd run 1000 clicks 27.51%

Hi Lyarnell.

I can provide desktop only. PM me your link and I'll check to see if it's a good fit for my lists.

4.9 (95)
25 posts / 14 likes

Hi Lyarnell, I would like to see your offer for desktop run, please send links for review...

4.9 (884)
453 posts / 156 likes

I can help Lyarnell Sir.

5.0 (27)
22 posts / 6 likes

I would say with the first landing page (video opt-in), there's some issue with the action pixel or it was misplaced. Can you verify the same in your autoresponder? 89% opt-in is unrealistic (most solo ads convert between 30-50%). Did you accidentally place the pixel on the landing/squeeze page?

I use a lot of unique traffic sources (am a SEO guy, I acquire some traffic through Google), my mobile traffic converts just as well. Glad to assist with any questions that you may have, I'm just a message away. :)

First would like to make sure your offer is a good fit for my subscribers.