Forum Solo ads List Checker Key/Legend

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I just ran my first set of emails that I obtained from a Udimi campaign through the list checker/validator.

I'm not sure what each detail of the results means.

Is there a Key/Legend anywhere? Or a tutorial?


1) What does the "score" mean? How is it calculated?

Of course I know in general what a "score" is, but I need some more understanding of it to make any use of that info.

2) What does the badge that says "free" mean?

3) Another symbol in the same location looks like a stack of papers. When I hover over it it says "catchall." What does that mean? (Screenshot:

Anybody know of a tutorial or help article that explains all this?

I am not completely without intuition here, but I really want to read a guide about each thing so I can make the best sense of this information.

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4.9 (95)
25 posts / 14 likes

Hi Jon, Here are few inputs from my side...

1. Score means, quality of email accessed by your email validator. Higher score means higher quality.

2. Free means these are free emails like yahoo, gmail, hotmail etc. As there are paid email services for corporate like paid gmail.

3. From Google Catchall means, "A catch-all email account is an address that is specified to receive all messages that are addressed to an incorrect email address for a domain. For example, you have three email addresses set up for; [email protected], [email protected], and [email protected], you can set up [email protected] as a catch-all email account. Then, any email messages sent to [email protected] (or any other invalid email address), are sent to the catch-all account ([email protected])."

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Deepak Kulkarni
Deepak Kulkarni on 24 Jun 2019 at 06:12

Hi Jon, Here are few inputs from my side... 1. Score means, quality of email accessed by your email validator. Higher score means higher quality. 2. Free means these are free emails like yahoo, gmail, hotmail etc. As there are paid email services for corporate like paid gmail. 3. From Google Catchal

Thank you Deepak.

I appreciate your help there.
