Forum Solo ads Looking for USA & Desktop only clicks

5.0 (10)
2 posts / 0 likes

Need traffic to my site. It is a business opportunity, but only open to U.S. for now. I want desktop only as I know the bounce rate for mobile is much higher. I want to start with 200-300 clicks as a test. If we like the results we will scale up.

4.9 (1128)
49 posts / 12 likes

Hi Robert I can offer desktop and US only in the biz op niche. Select the No Mobile option when you order, and send me PM for US only.

5.0 (185)
104 posts / 33 likes

I can also help you Robert, I have no mobile traffic, PM me your link so I can take a look.

Bill Abbott

4.9 (1475)
84 posts / 42 likes

I can do 200 with my current booking schedule :) Happy to help.

5.0 (250)
176 posts / 29 likes
Robert Prieto
Robert Prieto on 13 Jul 2019 at 00:24

Need traffic to my site. It is a business opportunity, but only open to U.S. for now. I want desktop only as I know the bounce rate for mobile is much higher. I want to start with 200-300 clicks as a test. If we like the results we will scale up.

Hi Robert.

I can send you USA only desktop clicks. PM me your link and I'll check to see if your offer is a good fit for my lists.

5.0 (10)
2 posts / 0 likes

Here is my link.
Please provide pricing for 300 clicks. USA desktop only.
I will be purchasing in a couple of days.

4.9 (1475)
84 posts / 42 likes

You can find pricing in profiles of vendors :)

5.0 (4)
9 posts / 1 like

Hey Robert, I can provide this, pricing is in the profile, just select no mobile. Mine is already 100% US so no need to select Tier 1 only.

5.0 (6)
34 posts / 14 likes

I can send you USA only desktop clicks, are you still looking for clicks?

5.0 (22)
3 posts / 1 like

Hie Robert, Are you still looking for clicks? I do have 100% USA only clicks available.