Forum Solo ads October Changelog

208 posts / 131 likes


Completely changed profile view design and logic. Added a convenient slide bar to the top. Added "Recommended list", "Search results" and "Profiles you visited" section to profile page. Updated the "Seller Setup" section, a lot of settings moved to the seller's profile. Changed requirements for "About the seller" section content.
Redesigned left-side menu.
Introduced the "Friends" feature. Added option for affiliates to send automatic friend requests.
Added option to sell extra services - swipes and landing page designs.
Changed design of Forum, Hall of fame, Movers & Shakers live, and Movers & Shakers monthly. Added "Want To Buy" forum thread. Added option to select sorting of threads and the button to subscribe to forum updates.
Added penalties for sellers who fail to start orders on time too often.
Updated design and added several new checkboxes to the Privacy section.
Updated design of the Notifications section.
Added a prompt to messaging blocking and spam reporting.
Added option to set names for new users registered without a name.

Mobile website and Android app:

Added tutorials for affiliates and buyers, redesigned Home section and cart, modified solo description in agenda. Added a prompt to messaging blocking and spam reporting. Improved performance, fixed bugs.