Forum Solo ads 84% (Free Site)

4 posts / 0 likes

When you click on a sellers filter ratings tab, what does it mean when it displays "free site"), which is usually the majority?


258 / 5
35 posts / 26 likes

Buyers can give a rating of "got sales", "no sales", or "N/A (free site)".

4 posts / 0 likes
Randy Sult
Randy Sult on 7 Mar 2020 at 21:31

Buyers can give a rating of "got sales", "no sales", or "N/A (free site)".

I understand "got sales and no sales"....My question was what does "N/A (free site) mean???

Thanks for trying.

848 / 36
453 posts / 156 likes

It means the buyer's offer was for something free, not for sale. Just an optin page with nothing for sale.

And N/A means the buyer either didn't track their sales, or is optionally choosing not to say if they got sales or not.

4 posts / 0 likes
James on 7 Mar 2020 at 22:56

It means the buyer's offer was for something free, not for sale. Just an optin page with nothing for sale. And N/A means the buyer either didn't track their sales, or is optionally choosing not to say if they got sales or not.

Thanks, James!

2 posts / 1 like
