Forum Solo ads Identity verification

2 posts / 0 likes

Hello guys!

I'm newbie to this platform, let me share with you a question.

I see a sellers without identification verification tick, what does that mean?

Mohamed Abdirizak Jama

85 posts / 27 likes
Mohamed Abdirizak Jama
Mohamed Abdirizak Jama on 30 Jan 2021 at 07:22

Hello guys! I'm newbie to this platform, let me share with you a question. I see a sellers without identification verification tick, what does that mean?

Hi Mohamed,

It means Udimi had not verified their identity. They have not submitted any ID document to confirm their identity. In general, it is not required to to complete this process in order to start selling on our platform. However, all users, at some point at a later time, may be required to complete ID verification.

Simply put, transacting with users with verified identities would make it feel safer for you especially if they have not established a good number of positive ratings as a seller or a buyer. Same for users who have not verified their identities but have a good number of positive ratings.

If you have questions about your Udimi orders or processes, please contact us customer support on the Help page by clicking "Support is Online" button on the upper-right corner of the page.

Thank you.

Customer Support

2 posts / 0 likes

But I tried to buy solo ads without verifying identity and I saw a popup telling me to verify the identity in order to buy or sell solo ads as requirement. That is why I verified, I thought it was mandatory.

85 posts / 27 likes
Mohamed Abdirizak Jama
Mohamed Abdirizak Jama on 31 Jan 2021 at 17:08

But I tried to buy solo ads without verifying identity and I saw a popup telling me to verify the identity in order to buy or sell solo ads as requirement. That is why I verified, I thought it was mandatory.

Hi Mohamed,

Indeed, that could happen to some users. Some users, depending on the circumstances, may be required to complete identity verification by our system.

Thank you.

Customer Support