Forum Solo ads Iam new to this

5 posts / 2 likes

Hi everyone...

I would really welcome some feedback.... I placed my first add... only spent $60 because I wanted to see how it would work.

I normaly reach out t people by hand and 10 people out of 50 will sign up.

First time running an add and I got not 1 signup.

Looked to see what it was saying about the traffic source...

Likely traffic exchange 4 (8%)

Anonymous proxy 3 (6%)

DC limit exceeded 1 (2%)

Is this good or crap traffic?

I have changed the copy on my landing page... and want to try again... so I am wondering what I can do better?

All ideas welcome


71 posts / 35 likes
Wendy on 20 Apr 2021 at 10:45

Hi everyone... I would really welcome some feedback.... I placed my first add... only spent $60 because I wanted to see how it would work. I normaly reach out t people by hand and 10 people out of 50 will sign up. First time running an add and I got not 1 signup. Looked to see what it was saying abo

Hi Wendy,

Since Udimi has a very good filtering system for us to be sure we get really good quality traffic and avoid low-quality traffic and clicks.

What I could suggest is finding the right seller that is fitted to what you offer. Having a good result depends on how attractive it is to the potential customer, what benefits your offer to your seller's audience etc. If you can find a seller that has an audience that matches what you offer you will get much better results.


5 posts / 2 likes

Ok great thanks Jan... :)