Forum Solo ads These buyer claims?

5.0 (658)
61 posts / 20 likes

All i'm going to say is I've sent the traffic this week to a $9 offer and got ZERO sales lmao, A 9 DOLLAR offer again

Victor Walthour

5.0 (658)
61 posts / 20 likes

most don't watch the video and some just go to checkout to see how much it costs and don't do anything except FREE things

See attach

Victor Walthour

87 posts / 40 likes

Hi Victor,

On Udimi you buy clicks. We track and filter ( all traffic delivered by your seller and give you access to the collected stats. We can see IP, browser, location, internet provider, and operating system of the visitors. 

You can see the details of the received clicks in the Stats section of your order on the %orders% page.

But since we don't have access to your lander, it's not possible to get more information about the clicks, such as the names or emails of these people. We also cannot guarantee sales or leads. It would depend on how impressive the landing page is. How much mass appeal the offer has. Is the offer specific or broader, more broad will get more optins, but more specific will get fewer but more targeted subscribers. How easy or complicated the offer is. We'd suggest you test different landing pages and see which one works best.


Customer Support

5.0 (658)
61 posts / 20 likes
Cheryl Basera
Cheryl Basera on 29 Apr 2021 at 11:47

Hi Victor, On Udimi you buy clicks. We track and filter ( all traffic delivered by your seller and give you access to the collected stats. We can see IP, browser, location, internet provider, and operating system of the visitors.  You can see the details of the received clic

clicks are clicks but when they join they don't do anything unless it's free, i got 3 sales this week and 2 was from khansen, 1 was a passup from someone under me

See attach

Victor Walthour

5.0 (658)
61 posts / 20 likes

516 leads this week

This system hard codes every subscriber for life so it's no duplicates on multiple lists, they haven't seen the video before to skip it and the landing page was new as well, it sucks them in

the sequence goes you watch vsl aka video sales letter then proceed to checkout

See attach

last thing is I still will make money off those clickers just from opening emails in the system though but it would have been nice to have direct sales

to assure you guys the offer was only $9

See attach

Victor Walthour

5.0 (49)
58 posts / 44 likes

It's like your trying to sell the system to us LOL. And we all even see your affiliate links hahaha...

Good move;)

Anyway man. That offer usually converts 1 out of every 100 leads. You may want to find higher quality leads.

Most people in this niche are biz hoppers. They want only free things. Use the training as designed and followup with your leads and buyers as instructed.

Mail. Mail. Mail.

Billy Montes

5.0 (658)
61 posts / 20 likes

i'm not trying that lol i'm just showing proof of what i am saying so it can't be questioned and where it says campaign that is the seller here

I'm Going to download the leads from the system and email them until they buy or unsubscribe

See attach

Victor Walthour

5.0 (49)
58 posts / 44 likes

The leads already go into your system I suggest you take a look at the system your promoting and how it works:)

5.0 (658)
61 posts / 20 likes
Billy Montes
Billy Montes on 29 Apr 2021 at 23:11

The leads already go into your system I suggest you take a look at the system your promoting and how it works:)

I don't know how long you've been here but i've been promoting the system since 2019, i know how it works lmao, also before it changed to the new format I promoted it, like a founding member

Victor Walthour

5.0 (49)
58 posts / 44 likes

I’m a founder as well lol So you should know that you don’t need to download the emails. They go into your autoresponder automatically and being sent an email Victor. I would get inside that system and learn how it works because you’ll be more equipped to help others who join you in this system.

5.0 (658)
61 posts / 20 likes

maybe you didn't read where I said i will still make money off the clickers

Victor Walthour

5.0 (49)
58 posts / 44 likes

I did. I also read where you said you needed to download the leads??? This whole post makes zero since to me. But whatever man. All good. Wishing you success

5.0 (658)
61 posts / 20 likes

and while thats going on i will be in their inbox with a higher priority from their ISP's

benefits of having your own property online is being able to contact those that gives you their information and amazon doesn't get better open rates than I do

Victor Walthour

5.0 (658)
61 posts / 20 likes
Billy Montes
Billy Montes on 29 Apr 2021 at 23:33

I did. I also read where you said you needed to download the leads??? This whole post makes zero since to me. But whatever man. All good. Wishing you success

any list any message

See attach

Victor Walthour

5.0 (658)
61 posts / 20 likes
Cheryl Basera
Cheryl Basera on 29 Apr 2021 at 11:47

Hi Victor, On Udimi you buy clicks. We track and filter ( all traffic delivered by your seller and give you access to the collected stats. We can see IP, browser, location, internet provider, and operating system of the visitors.  You can see the details of the received clic

it's no way 2 different sellers list can do the exact same thing lol but they are

See attach

Victor Walthour

5.0 (658)
61 posts / 20 likes

1 seller only gave up a few subscribers and 3 has the same name smdh, technology has passed these bot users

See attach

this traffic got my domain put on the blackilist for 7 days GARBAGE so stop asking me about optins or sales from it

See attach

Victor Walthour