Forum Solo ads July 2021 Changelog

208 posts / 131 likes


* Prime page updated. Added new services to Prime subscription.

* Updated the Money page design. Added separate tabs for Balance, Transactions, and Settings. Added an option to top up Udimi balance. 

* Changed the solo ad purchase process. The cart was removed from the desktop version of Udimi. A purchase can be made in several clicks from the order form. Fixed the solo ad order form usability issues.

* Updated the design of the Help section. Changed the navigation logic and layout.

* Added a menu with links to the sections of the Help page.

* Added a list of the 20 most popular keywords to the "Keyword" search option of the Find Sellers section.

* Added tabs with "Ad texts" and "Links" to the Ad texts section.

* The maximum click price increased to $2.

* Added an additional security layer to the process of adding a phone number or an email to the account.

Mobile website and Android app

* Bug fixes.

* Performance improvements.

85 posts / 27 likes

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