Forum Solo ads Do sellers send solo ads to unique email subscribers with additional follow up orders?

5.0 (3)
4 posts / 0 likes

Hi All,

I'm on the new side of solo ads and I wanted to know if most sellers that get repeat orders, actually send the solo ad to NEW users/subscribers each time a Udimi buyer places a new order with them, or do I need to check this with sellers directly each time and request it?

I don't want to have multiple orders with the same seller overlap with the same users...



87 posts / 40 likes

Hi Gabriel,

It would be best to talk with your seller on this request.


5.0 (39)
2 posts / 1 like

Hi Gabriel,

When you consider that not everyone who is sent an email will open every time, some may open only open every now and again. Also some may click and not sign up, but next time they do.

When I send to my list, I don't always get the same people clicking. Sometimes I do.

My point is, if you are building your list, it will absolutely not hurt for the same people to see the offer over again. They may decide to buy this time!

5.0 (3)
4 posts / 0 likes

Thank you Jim, that makes sense for my own list, but are you saying if I buy from a Udimi seller who's providing me clicks from the same subscribers on their list over and over it's ok?

I was thinking about the clicks you buy from sellers on Udimi - so for example if I I place an order with a seller, for say 100 clicks, but then place a 2nd order for 300 additional clicks a few days later - wouldn't I want the 2nd order of 300 clicks to be unique clicks, since it's the SAME offer and if the clicks are from the same people as the first offer, they are unlikely to convert at that point or because they already opt-ed into my list?

Let me know if that makes sense?

Thanks for your reply!

4.6 (16)
8 posts / 1 like

Hello, Gabriel. I can guarantee you unique visits. My lists are optimized in a personalized way for each buyer / landing page, inbox me. Regards.

4.9 (809)
140 posts / 81 likes
Gabriel on 18 Aug 2021 at 01:56

Thank you Jim, that makes sense for my own list, but are you saying if I buy from a Udimi seller who's providing me clicks from the same subscribers on their list over and over it's ok? I was thinking about the clicks you buy from sellers on Udimi - so for example if I I place an order with a seller

As a seller I add fresh list on a daily basis and remove inactive list on a regular basis too, this will help buyers get fresh and responsive eye balls all the time. Hope this answer your question.

I Reached 57% SALES CONVERSION sometimes ago