Forum Solo ads New here - questions about Udimi

5.0 (2)
2 posts / 0 likes


I have a few questions as a newbie looking to purchase a solo ad listing.

What is difference between "Find Sellers" and "Solo Deals" in the menu?

Are solo ads like a snippet inside of the vendors regular rmail-outs? Or are they a dedicated email? I would think an inline solo would work better than a dedicated email given the vendor owns the list.

Do transactions go through the Udimi platform for protection against potential scammers?

Thank you for the help and nice to be here!

Mark Hunter

4.9 (263)
35 posts / 26 likes

Hi Mark. Let me see if I can help.

Find Sellers allows you to use filters to find sellers that will fit your needs. You can adjust the filters to bring up what you're looking for. Solo Deals tab shows sellers who have created special deals on their regular pricing.

Solo ads are just the seller sending an email to their list on the buyers behalf to get their subscribers to look at your offer. You provide the link to a landing page where you want the visitors to go and the seller will provide the number of visitors you pay for.

All transactions on this platform are run through Udimi. You can track the visitors with the tracking link provided. The seller does not get paid until the traffic is delivered.

Hope this helps.

Randy Sult

5.0 (2)
2 posts / 0 likes

Thank you for your help there, Randy. I really appreciate it.

1. Yes got it. Sounds good.

2.. So when I wrote copy for the solo ad, do I write as a paragraph ad snippet to go out or do I write an entire email?

3. Good to hear about the Udimi platform and its protection mechanisms!

Many thanks.

Mark Hunter