Forum Solo ads Overflow redirect would lead to confusion... right?

3 posts / 0 likes

I'm reasonably new to this. I noticed there was a feature that helped you redirect where you want the link for the solo to go once it goes over 10%. Isn't that going to cause confusion? For example if it goes over the 10% and it was a link for a 'cat product' and then people start seeing a redirect to a "apple cider product" for example, wouldn't that be confusing when the copy in the solo ad email was all about cat products and click here to see cat products? lol. Sorry if this is a stupid question. Please bare with me as I learn. Thanks to anyone that responds. You're a legend (in advance).

626 posts / 570 likes

I've seen many happy ratings from buyers on Overflow orders.

If the seller is smart and both offers are in the same niche, this won't lead to confusion.

3 posts / 0 likes

Even in the same niche it should be confusing. I'm reading a solo ad email about "Cat collars" and I want to check it out more, then I click it and its all about "Cat training".

3 posts / 0 likes
Uncle Dimitry
Uncle Dimitry on 26 Oct 2014 at 11:54

I've seen many happy ratings from buyers on Overflow orders. If the seller is smart and both offers are in the same niche, this won't lead to confusion.

For example. lol.

Not arguing, just trying to understand better how to do this best and flaws in the system to avoid.

626 posts / 570 likes

you are right, that's why I limited Overflow click price to .30 max and posted this earlier: _______________ Cons Visitors on aftermarket orders were expecting to see something else. For buyers this means lower conversion, for sellers – lower loyalty of own list. _______________