Forum Solo ads Are these solos incentivized?

5.0 (8)
2 posts / 8 likes

I have purchased solo ads from 6 different vendors for a total of about 1,000 clicks. I have been tracking each vendor with a special page and know exactly how many hits, sign ups and sales for each. Out of those 1,000 clicks, I have received 193 subscribers and I have grossed $97, but have spent over $500 so that is not a good return at all—actually it sucks! The reason it appears the lists are incentivized is because when I send an email to the people who opt-in, 97% never even open the email—yes I track that too. It just seems strange to me that the vendors selling solo ads can get people to click on a solo ad and get the person to take the time to sign up for something yet they are totally unresponsive when I send a follow up email. I see sellers saying they are adding 100 – 200 people to their list each day, but nobody ever shares what offer they are using to get people on their list. People don’t just subscribe to a list for the fun of it and they would not stay on a list if there was not something in it for them. I had really high hopes for UDIMI, but unfortunately these clicks are similar to the stuff I bought at the Warrior Forum and appear to be maybe one step up from a paid sign up and you know how bad paid signups are...

5.0 (18)
34 posts / 11 likes

Hello Darryl, I hope we see justifying reply to your post.

4.9 (163)
220 posts / 41 likes

I'll back him all the way it's the process!!! revolving door recycling etc of leads.. I do admit just because a lead opts in doesn't mean he reads anything and not necessarily cause of the lead quality etc as they just don't... in this game 1000 clicks you would hope to get 300 optins and then of those could be and a very high maybe sales and open follow ups 30% again.. that's the game another is if a lead opts in then it's the buyers responsibility to make that lead want to open a followup not just go on optin so must be interested so will open others emails... In fact I've had leads complain when receive a fillowup even though optin so it's the attitude time of day anything lol... On all this would say here and in SS leads are recycled a lot as most places..... Leads you got yesterday and u subbed yourself or the lead did and even complained maybe will find them back again the following week hmm... All of course IMO. Rick Ling

5.0 (47)
17 posts / 12 likes

Darryl, - Just to add some perspective. You made $97 on a total $500 spend... Sounds terrible, and in your words, it sucks. - However, you have verified 2 things as an absolute. [1] You have buyers on your list [2] Those buyers aren't afraid to pull out the credit card. -- Now, That/Those buyer[s] will continue buying from your emails for a long time to come as long as you build a relationship and take care of them. So, that $97 you have made so for can easily turn into $1000 over time. - So, you have essentially doubled your money on your add spends, but yours comes in little bits for an extended period whereas your ad buys comes with the upfront cost. - So, if I told you i will pay you $1000 for every $500 you loan to me, but payback comes over the course of 9 months... Odds are high that you would hit me with as many $500 bills as you could because you knew as fact that the payoff would come. ... Sir, that's what you're facing when listbuilding with solos..... Most leads are trash, but you do end up with good ones, and those are the ones that over time will make you fully financially self sufficient. .... Just my 2-cents, and you probably got over charged. :-)

4.2 (29)
12 posts / 6 likes

Solo subscribers are in a way always incentive-ized ones, but subjectively I guess. A lead page will tend to "lure" the potential lead to think he will receive something in return if he submits his email. What you need to be careful of is safe-lists, which are more like the ones you describe. But Udimi filters, take care of them I guess.

Considering you have got ~200 subscribers from 1000 clicks, I think you have almost 20% conversion on your clicks, which is a good number. If your return is low, maybe your offer is not good enough, get offers that pay more / lead.

If your followups are not responding, maybe they did not like your subject line? or perhaps you just need to wait for a few more days. Try with exciting subject lines, if still they do not respond, then maybe your right. You may have recevied a list of dead emails.

5.0 (25)
3 posts / 4 likes

My perspective is from buying ads similar to your perspective Darryl. With that said when i buy a solo ad from any where i assume i'm putting my email swipe in front of an abused list. Obviously not everyone does that when selling a solo but i assume they do when writing my swipe.

Which means the person that opens my email is very suspicious of the message i'm giving. When one of those people opt in to my list i'm taking on some one that has been abused and i need to act accordingly. Usually by giving more value in my follow up emails and keep my pitch emails to a minimum.

So in my opinion Solo ads are good but take more work on the back end. One quick tip that i had to learn is allot of my follow up emails were going to my lists junk mail folder. Which caused a reduced response.

5.0 (4)
4 posts / 2 likes

Rory Jones, have you come up with a fix for the follow up emails not going to the lists junk mail folder?

4.9 (34)
2 posts / 0 likes

Allison, inboxing is the name of this game. To start off I would start with some seed emails to the bigger mail providers (AOL, Yahoo, Gmail and Hotmail). If you inbox 3/4 of them then you're good to go. As for inboxing test, test and test some more.

5.0 (15)
2 posts / 1 like

What's your offer like, follow up series etc? Chances are you need to dig deeper into this. So far I've profited on the 3-4 solo ads I have bought on here. Comes down to the fundamentals of buying traffic though. Good offer, follow up and backend will yield you results.

5.0 (25)
3 posts / 4 likes

Allison, i'll send you a private message to give you more info. I have some really good info on this. If anyone else reading this would like this info send me a personal message.

5.0 (179)
17 posts / 5 likes

OMG, To get only 200 and 300 Optins for 1000 clicks, One has to wonder what is your landing page like. A huge mistake is asking for to much information. Making the phone # mandatory is not acceptable to most subscribers. Now if you are just asking for the email and a name and get 20-30% optins, the solo providers list either hates your offer or the list is very low quality. Top Tier 6 under 50%

Look: bottom line you get what you pay for. My list is 97% Top tier US - NO I am not cheep nor do I charge $.75-1.25 per click like most of my friends.

My List kills CPA and CPL - Built from real quality software and videos from me. I run my subscribers though a 2 month follow up series with 17 of my own products.

If you are trying to make money with the same old thing out there. It is not going to work. My list is 5 years old plus new subs coming in every day. I am very picky with the people I do swaps with or build my list. I am in the promoted section.

Please Message me if you want to talk...

PS.I have many happy repeat customers, See my Udimi and safe swaps testimonials

5.0 (4)
1 post / 1 like

I really dont get it, i have spent a small fortune and have nothing in return!! I think the whole thing sucks, like i said i just dont get how people can jump up and down saying they earn $500 per day, 2 mnths and nothing!!!

5.0 (31)
7 posts / 4 likes
Darryl Graham
Darryl Graham on 8 Nov 2014 at 03:21

I have purchased solo ads from 6 different vendors for a total of about 1,000 clicks. I have been tracking each vendor with a special page and know exactly how many hits, sign ups and sales for each. Out of those 1,000 clicks, I have received 193 subscribers and I have grossed $97, but have spent ov

What is your optin page is the optin below the margin you should get 350-400 optins for a 1000 clicks but did you test your page first to see it it converts?

5.0 (11)
13 posts / 1 like
Tracy Price
Tracy Price on 17 Nov 2014 at 23:26

I really dont get it, i have spent a small fortune and have nothing in return!! I think the whole thing sucks, like i said i just dont get how people can jump up and down saying they earn $500 per day, 2 mnths and nothing!!!

Tracy Price,Hi Tracy ! Do agree with you,not getting the value for money does hurt.What I notice is most of the people selling solo's are complimenting each other,for great service in the past.Wonder.if they are faking it.God alone knows.Regards.Ajay

5.0 (8)
2 posts / 8 likes

I appreciate all the comments and feedback on this post and while yes the issue could be with my capture page or offer, or time of day, day of the week or any of dozens of other things, the point I was trying to make is that subscribers took their time to sign up and review my service and many never even logged in to complete the review and that is typically what happens when you buy a guaranteed sign up as those people are being paid by someone to subscribe to an offer but they have absolutely no intention of buying or doing anything after they subscribe.

So what I have decided to do is create an offer that only a brain dead "Blue Person" would pass up and by the way a "Blue Person" is someone that is so stupid they turn blue because they forget to breathe...

It is just amazing to me that people waste so much time signing up for offers but they rarely take advantage of anything. It's almost as if in their minds they did something (the sign up) so they think they are moving in a positive direction when the reality is they are only wasting their time and digging a bigger hole for themselves so they can sit around and cry about not being able to make money online and blame anyone and everyone for their failures.

5.0 (5459)
4 posts / 6 likes

Everyone That opt-in to my list see's a one time CPA offer from me. As you can see no not all solo ads on here are not incentivized?

See attach