Forum Solo ads EU VAT changes that will apply world-wide

5.0 (4)
3 posts / 0 likes


I just found out that from 1st Jan 2015 even the tiniest of companies selling digital products online will be affected by some badly thought-out EU legislation that means they will need to be registered for VAT, which is problematic for many reasons.

Apparently this is not just a problem for UK promoters.

You can read more about it here (NOT my blog!)

The way it will affect my business is that I shall be looking to target non-EU countries, so hope some sellers will be able to offer non-EU clicks as a category?

If you are, please let me know so that when the time comes I can tell me UK friends about you :-)

Thanks, Joy

4.9 (163)
220 posts / 41 likes

Hey UK clicks are a lot less than the US clicks so shouldn't be s ptob there for most... Rick Ling

5.0 (4)
3 posts / 0 likes

Thanks for replying. So it's possible to specify what country you want clicks from? Sorry I'm new here and not worked that out yet....

But still what I want to do is exclude EU, because most of the offers I promote are US anyway

4.9 (163)
220 posts / 41 likes

yep of course can be exclude all of Europe for example...

5.0 (4)
3 posts / 0 likes


5.0 (2275)
339 posts / 161 likes

that news to me I though that was a seller opt-in what they ran