Forum Solo ads Incorrect in assuming that a 'solo ad' is email traffic with my actual swipe being sent?
Vincent a punt but probably both.. Most send there own swipe or modified or your swipe... If say send your swipe and clicks are low then suspect they modify swipe and/or subject to continue clicks common practice... Don't agree with genetic swipe as clicks won't be targeted.. Rick Ling
My company develops capture pages, so I do a lot of testing and traffic buying to make sure the new designs convert.
When I have ordered 'solo ads' from other traffic vendors in the past, there would be a noticeable BURST of traffic when the email was initially sent, then traffic would continue to trickle in.
Many of the vendors here, deliver the amount of clicks, but they come in over a long span of time. If you are really sending 'solo ads' how are you mailing this list? just emailing segments every few hours until the clicks are delivered? Please enlighten me.
Are most of the vendors here are actually sending the swipe copy email that is submitted? OR is it just generic copy that gets the highest clicks being sent to fill the orders?