Forum Solo ads How can I use my top off money

5.0 (8)
2 posts / 0 likes

Thanks for your reply.

5.0 (273)
32 posts / 19 likes

Hey John, you can use that money to purchase traffic here on the site. Regards, Jesus

4.9 (163)
220 posts / 41 likes

But unless earnt can't withdraw it to PP... Rick Ling

4.9 (52)
13 posts / 4 likes

Thank Rick so I must spend all topped ups?

5.0 (8)
2 posts / 0 likes

Yeah Jesus, That's what I am talking about, use it to buy traffic. don't know how yet, don't won't want to withdraw it.

5.0 (273)
32 posts / 19 likes

Hey John, go to the top of the page where it says find solo, those are all the sellers. Read through their ratings, check their prices etc. You have many many sellers to pick from. Good luck