Forum Solo ads 200 + clicks and only four subscribers

5 posts / 1 like

Hi All, I've had a rocky start and would like to ask for some guidance. I have used two sources for my affiliate offering. 1. I have only four subscribers. 2. 20 others never send in the confirmation to subscribe. So my only thought is that my 'landing page' (I'm an affiliate) is a turnoff. I found this person and signed up to promote his program and plans. I want to succeed but think I have to move away to something else. Where could I get a critique of the landing page I've been failing with. Any help would be greatle appreciated.



3 posts / 2 likes

HI Grigoria - without knowing exactly what it is you are promoting, its hard to know why the conversion rate is so low. If the affiliate program is well known and has been around for a while, there's every possibility that many subscribers have already seen the offer. Unique landing pages work best. If you're using double opt-in be sure to have a compelling thank you page to encourage people to go to the trouble of double opt in

1526 / 1
239 posts / 246 likes

"20 others never send in the confirmation to subscribe." - My guess is your using DOUBLE OPTIN. Move to single optin and you will see your subscriber rate climb.

Please are lazy and don't want to confirm. Moreover, the spam filters keep getting heavier and heavier and sweep up confirm emails all the time. So it is a best practice today to avoid DO.

32 posts / 19 likes

Also, keep in mind if the program is a popular one and you are using their affiliate page your results might suffer because everyone has seen that offer and that page. You're better off creating your own page.

5 posts / 1 like
Heather Alessandra
Heather Alessandra on 12 Jan 2015 at 20:13

"20 others never send in the confirmation to subscribe." - My guess is your using DOUBLE OPTIN. Move to single optin and you will see your subscriber rate climb. Please are lazy and don't want to confirm. Moreover, the spam filters keep getting heavier and heavier and sweep up confirm emails all the

I'm using aWeber with "Require Opt-In on Web Forms". Is that 'double?

1 post / 1 like

yes, disable that, turn it to OFF

5 posts / 1 like

Thanks to all who responded to my questions. I appreciate your time & experience!