Posts of Sachin Kulkarni
Sachin Kulkarni
3 posts / 2 likes
Matt on 05 Jul 2017 at 15:50

Can someone advise why a person who (on the face of it) opted into one of my lists via a solo ad, is asking me WHY they are receiving my emails as they never signed up & have no idea what my emails are referring too?

my optin page is clear & concise - is related to my swipes - with photo, domain & email address that they should expect to see in future emails....

this is getting more & more frustrating by the day :-(

(i have duplicate optin addresses aswell as strange optin email address syntax)

your thoughts?


Most people dont use thank you page after some one optin...this is very IMp as they should know from who they are going to get emails ..So if you send it to sales offer directly then chances are they will not recollect to which site they have subscribed. I always have my Personal Pic and Facebook profile on my thank you page so that it gets you connected with subscriber more positively



Posted 13 Jul 2017 at 04:09
Sachin Kulkarni
3 posts / 2 likes

I can provide you traffic from my list that has build with Bing PPC , my personal youtube channel and solo ads .

Let me know,



Posted 13 Jul 2017 at 03:58
Sachin Kulkarni
3 posts / 2 likes

Thats really Good News

Posted 13 Jun 2015 at 16:42
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