How to buy solo ad
Find a seller
Click Buy Solos link at the top menu
Use the filters at the top to narrow down your search. Default options work for most, but we have created quite a few filters to help you find exactly who you need.
Meaning of each selector:
- Visitors. Minimum quantity of clicks your seller should be able to deliver within 100 hours
- Ratings. Minimal number of positive ratings a seller must possess
- Got sales. Percentage of orders in which the seller generated sales for customers. To keep the percentage fresh, it reflects the last 100 orders only.
- Max price. The maximum price you are willing to pay for a visitor who passes all Udimi filters
- Repeat orders. Percentage of repeat orders from customers
- Last seen. The last time seller was online on Udimi
- Niche. Seller's traffic main niche
- Traffic from. Shows where most of the clicks come from. Determined based on recent actual statistics collected by the Udimi click filter on the last 30 delivered orders.
- Sort by. Allows you to modify sorting of results: by sales percentage of a seller, by quantity of good ratings or by the price
You can also use selectors at the top of the search box to switch between tabs.
- By keywords. Use this tab to search by keyword. For example, the name of the seller or the text in the profile description
- My favorites. This tab will show sellers you've added to your favorite list. Add sellers you like to favorites by clicking heart icon on their avatars
- Saved search slots. These slots appear only when you save a filter set via Save search button.
Browse search results
After you have selected all the necessary filters, you will see the seller cards. Everything is quite simple here: a photo, the name of the seller, and a short bio.
On the right side, you can see the price per visitor, the percentage of Got Sales ratings, and the total number of ratings.
Review seller’s profile
At the top of the profile, you will see the country and city of the seller, local time, and all ratings and awards.
Using the Message button you can message the seller directly.
Check average stats
Under the order form, you will see the average traffic statistics from the last 30 solos of this seller.
Read ratings from buyers
All the ratings you see in the rating section are for Udimi solo ads only.
Sellers can't delete buyer ratings. Negative ratings are not removed, even if a refund was issued for the order.
Please use this link to view the average of the last 100 ratings only.
Rating rows are clickable, allowing you to filter results by the number of stars given by a solo ad buyer.
Place the order
Select the number of visitors you want to order using the slider and select the delivery start date in the upper right corner of the order form. The minimum and maximum number of visitors depends on the seller's settings and availability on the selected date.
Select filters
Under the quantity of visitors slider, you can pick the traffic filters that will be applied to your solo.
Prime filter is an optional feature and costs 3¢ per visitor. It will save you more money and we recommend that you enable it, but it is up to you. Read about the Udimi prime filter
Only top tier - You will only get traffic from the Tier 1 countries, like USA, Australia, Canada, United Kingdom, Netherlands, New Zealand
Only mobile - You will receive traffic exclusively from smartphone users.
Please note: Tablet users are considered non-mobile, as they typically use the desktop version of your site.
No mobile - You will receive only desktop traffic, including laptops and tablets.
Put in your link or ad text
Okay, now put your link in the following field:
If you have ad text, select Ad Text and paste it into the text area.
Your ad text must contain at least one link. It can have as many links as you need in the text, but all links must point to the same web page.
Define timing
If the start time of the order is important for you and you do not want to start it earlier than planned, then uncheck "Allow the seller to start traffic delivery earlier, than scheduled."
Thus, the seller will not start the delivery before the date you have selected on the order form.
Click Checkout to complete your order.
After your payment is successfully processed, the seller will receive the order and have 24 hours to accept or reject it. Once the order is accepted, you will receive a notification