Unfortunately, most sellers here. including myself are involved with the Make Money Online niche. What niche are you looking for?
make money online... but my squeeze page was geared toward baby boomers (age 55+). I was just wondering if anyone knew their list well enough to know if they have a "good portion" of baby boomers to help me.
Russel, that is too narrow of a demographic. I doubt there is any seller on here that tracks those kind of details. It would limit their lists viability.
If your interested in those kind of demos you should include a survey as the front end of your funnel. Send 55+ to one page and 55- to another page. Then just run standard traffic to it.
Yeah, I doubt anyone here has such a specific niche.
I created a post earlier, but I think it may have been deleted. I saw that there were 2 views, but now the post is gone. So if I did something wrong, please let me know.
I'm trying to find someone with a list that can cater to a specific niche. If I can't ask or search for that here... where can I or do I go to find out this info?