Forum Solo ads Filter Pricing Published

626 posts / 570 likes

Hi Sellers,

Now you can set a price for each filter in Settings > Seller setup > Traffic Purity

Plus we added new filter “Only top tier traffic”, which will filter all traffic, but T1. You can define price for this filter too.

Best, Uncle Dimitry.

3230 / 13
31 posts / 31 likes

Great Uncle.... looks good

669 / 11
62 posts / 27 likes

good stuff -- erm for some of my more experienced Sellers .... John, Heather, Nicole, Chris etc ....... what sort of prices are you adding to certain filters ...... as I would like some guidance as I reckon I don't want to overprice but dont want to under price either :)

3 posts / 2 likes

Thats really Good News

1526 / 1
239 posts / 246 likes

Awesome, Awesome and More Awesome!

94 posts / 106 likes

I'm not exactly sure how it works just yet. For instance, if I put .85 per click and .45 for "datacenter," what exactly will happen? How will the buyer know how much the solo is going to cost? Does the buyer pick what kind of traffic to get before buying?

Maybe Uncle D can chime in and explain it a little more in-depth for us when he gets a minute.

626 posts / 570 likes
Christopher Mollo
Christopher Mollo on 13 Jun 2015 at 17:52

I'm not exactly sure how it works just yet. For instance, if I put .85 per click and .45 for "datacenter," what exactly will happen? How will the buyer know how much the solo is going to cost? Does the buyer pick what kind of traffic to get before buying? Maybe Uncle D can chime in and explain it a

all simple: each filter adds few cents to click price. Check any other seller's profile and click Buy button

669 / 11
62 posts / 27 likes

Chris from what I see your base price click is .85 for every filter the buyer wants it adds a premium to base price so your above figures would be 1.30 a click ..... Pretty slick but wondered what a realistic pricing for each filter would be :)

626 posts / 570 likes
Tommy Mclaughlin
Tommy Mclaughlin on 13 Jun 2015 at 17:55

Chris from what I see your base price click is .85 for every filter the buyer wants it adds a premium to base price so your above figures would be 1.30 a click ..... Pretty slick but wondered what a realistic pricing for each filter would be :)

I was able to get $3.04 per click on your profile

See attach

94 posts / 106 likes

OK I see how it works now. You add an extra charge for each type of click. Got it. In other words let's say I am charging .75 per click. If I made my "top tier" filter .10 then if the buyer checked that off it would add .10 to my click price making it .85 per click. I understand now.

This is cool!

Now if the buyer wants to filter out mobile clicks then you can raise your click price. Nice.

So the way I set mine up is to add .15 per click if they just want top-tier, making my click price for top tier only $1 per click. If they don't want mobile I added .10, making my click price .95. If they check both, my click price will be $1.10 per click. I left the others free. Perfect!

669 / 11
62 posts / 27 likes

@uncledimitry Yes just having a play around with it - would still like an indicator what my fellow sellers feel what a proper pricing structure for filters would be :)

94 posts / 106 likes
Tommy Mclaughlin
Tommy Mclaughlin on 13 Jun 2015 at 18:09

@uncledimitry Yes just having a play around with it - would still like an indicator what my fellow sellers feel what a proper pricing structure for filters would be :)

It's really up to you. However you much you feel that your solo clicks are worth. I have a lot of repeat customers so I have no problems selling solos for .70-.90 per click. It all depends on your situation. I would imagine every seller is a little different depending on their circumstances.

328 / 8
72 posts / 23 likes

i think its too complicated for the regular solo order but thats my opinion : :)

669 / 11
62 posts / 27 likes

Yeah I will no doubt shortly increase my prices :)

1526 / 1
239 posts / 246 likes

I don't know yet

Whoops pushed send to early.

We will have to play with the pricing for a while to find out what the best balance between price and orders are.

Irregardless, of what the final pricing ends up being the fact they we can now financially discriminate between filters is a god send for sellers. The filter in it's old form was just not equatable.

So just got my first order for 500 click with Base filters only! Thank you Uncle D.

1493 / 13
59 posts / 36 likes

Great News!