Forum Solo ads Hello - Need a hand to buy stuff

5.0 (5)
4 posts / 3 likes

HI I want to buy solos but dont understand site yet. I presume a swipe is an email advert and I can pay for ad copy. But when I look at swipe sellers it only offers buy solos. Please can someone tell me if I can buy a swipe text and use it with another solo seller.

5.0 (2275)
339 posts / 161 likes
Peter Hunt
Peter Hunt on 11 Aug 2015 at 06:48

HI I want to buy solos but dont understand site yet. I presume a swipe is an email advert and I can pay for ad copy. But when I look at swipe sellers it only offers buy solos. Please can someone tell me if I can buy a swipe text and use it with another solo seller.

you can make up your swipe or ask the seller you bye from to help you

4.6 (28)
28 posts / 2 likes

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