Forum Solo ads How To Change T1Pricing?

381 / 9
40 posts / 22 likes

Hi Is it possible to change pricing on, only T1 Clicks?

319 / 1
109 posts / 53 likes

Hey Ermin! I think that their is an automatic upcharge if the customer wants anything more than base clicks. The more filters they choose the more money they pay. I have sold T1 only clicks and they paid more. Check with support on the rates, but I didn't set my own T1 rate, Udimi did it for me. If we can set our own that would be cool too!

381 / 9
40 posts / 22 likes

Oh it is automatic. Now I understand

328 / 8
72 posts / 23 likes

Yes its a fixed price now for everyone no :(

319 / 1
109 posts / 53 likes

I started a thread in the forum. We can get the T1 price changed as a whole, if enough people leave their suggestions and we agree on a good fair price for buyers and sellers. Check out the post and please comment:) Thanks