Forum Solo ads - Filtering too many Clicks

5.0 (779)
22 posts / 19 likes

Hi guys ,

is Udimi filtering too many clicks or it's just me ? I'm using only the tracking link given , no cm or nothing like it and still for a 50 click solo it filters another 50!!! Lol

4.9 (2975)
2 posts / 1 like

Same here George

5.0 (401)
5 posts / 2 likes

Same problem here guys....During this week too many clicks filtered....Can anyone from the Udimi support team can take a look at it please?

218 posts / 71 likes
Christian Grey
Christian Grey on 5 Mar 2016 at 15:31

Same problem here guys....During this week too many clicks filtered....Can anyone from the Udimi support team can take a look at it please?

If anyone experiencing problems with excessive filtering, please submit a support ticket in the Support section with detailed information about the solo ads, which were filtered more than usual.

5.0 (78)
25 posts / 18 likes

Same here :-(

5.0 (779)
22 posts / 19 likes

I have prob with all my solo orders not just one , please take a look at it cause I'm sure that most of us here have the same issue . Thank you in advance Udimi Team :)

5.0 (2275)
339 posts / 161 likes
Tomenyuk on 5 Mar 2016 at 16:41

If anyone experiencing problems with excessive filtering, please submit a support ticket in the Support section with detailed information about the solo ads, which were filtered more than usual.

Same here major clicks are being filtered please have your tech check

218 posts / 71 likes

Please send us the details about solo ads that have been filtered. So far we did not identify any issues with the filter.

4.9 (285)
16 posts / 33 likes

Maybe the filters need to be less sensitive

5.0 (35)
2 posts / 1 like

I have a client who is literally getting OVER 50% of his clicks filtered. What's more I personally know his traffic is 98%+ Tier 1.

I am used to seeing about 10% of my own traffic filtered, which is also very weird.

5.0 (3509)
126 posts / 94 likes

I usually get around 10-15 clicks filtered over 100 clicks compared to my tracker's stats

5.0 (10)
6 posts / 2 likes

75% filtered, this smells like . . . . .

It should not be allowed to continue selling filtered traffic. Going back to the solo ads, it can be a problem that people send junk traffic, use rotators, send deceptive swipes etc.

(Unfortunately, there are plenty of people out there who'd prefer to make a quick buck and screw people over, rather than build a sustainable business by providing real value).

The Udimi Team must step in and stop this fraudulent business.

5.0 (2275)
339 posts / 161 likes

Is there any update about all these filter clicks

5.0 (4283)
411 posts / 355 likes

I have one client with 38% filtered clicks.... I sent this traffic to another form of mine and got 40% optin rates! I am losing money selling traffic here

5.0 (779)
22 posts / 19 likes

As James is referring ... Maybe the filters need to be less sensitive ... because Udimi Team supports that So far they did not identify any issues with the filter.

5.0 (2275)
339 posts / 161 likes
George Kapo
George Kapo on 9 Mar 2016 at 20:18

As James is referring ... Maybe the filters need to be less sensitive ... because Udimi Team supports that So far they did not identify any issues with the filter.

I totally agree it getting really hard to do solo that were easy before there filter must be turned up or something not right it been going on for days