Forum Solo ads Clickintensity

7 posts / 2 likes

Hi, just wanted to know if anyone has a good list for Clickintensity. I have noticed that some sellers list not good for it while some are. I think the issue is that it is a 2 step squeeze page. The following link is the one Clickintensity provides.


3471 / 14
125 posts / 94 likes

Site looks down

116 posts / 135 likes

I have had great success with CI here. I just use my direct referral link for CI and pass on collecting the email for myself. Yes, I lose out on the opt-in but I have gotten over 27 sign-ups! That is worth it to me.

72 posts / 35 likes
Gary Hullfish
Gary Hullfish on 19 Mar 2016 at 01:07

I have had great success with CI here. I just use my direct referral link for CI and pass on collecting the email for myself. Yes, I lose out on the opt-in but I have gotten over 27 sign-ups! That is worth it to me.

Hi Gary, those are awesome results for direct linking, but I would always try to capture the email address too, even if it meant losing the occasional signup in the beginning. You can always re-market to them with your follow-up series.

116 posts / 135 likes

I actually tried it with my landing page, I got a lot of opt-ins but then no one wanted to opt in twice. I wound up with nothing in the follow ups. I took a chance and just put the link out there and it seemed to take off. Sometimes what is NOT suppose to work, works! lol

72 posts / 35 likes
Gary Hullfish
Gary Hullfish on 19 Mar 2016 at 03:11

I actually tried it with my landing page, I got a lot of opt-ins but then no one wanted to opt in twice. I wound up with nothing in the follow ups. I took a chance and just put the link out there and it seemed to take off. Sometimes what is NOT suppose to work, works! lol

I agree, you've got to test. Some of my best campaigns in the past have been direct linking to CPA offers with Bing PPC. Best Regards...

7 posts / 2 likes

Yes guys, I have been advised to use a simple one step squeeze page and capture people's emails. However I prefer to use the 2 step one that CI provide. I want people who are serious to sign up into this opportunity. I would rather get 10 people sign up into CI than an email list of 100 ppl who are just sitting on the fence not committing to anything you put their way. At present I have over 300 ppl signup into it....AHHHIYAHHHIYA (tarzan voice)!!!!

116 posts / 135 likes

NICE!! I have 2 more solos going out before the 27th! GOOD LUCK! Let's rock CI!

7 posts / 2 likes

I think it's gonna be bigger than TM and Zukul combined

116 posts / 135 likes

Just grabbed 8 more sign-ups with a 75 click solo order! Udimi sellers GET IT DONE!!

Thanks Dan and David!!

7 posts / 2 likes

Well done Gary!