1.) Ask people for too much and they won't fill in the form.
2.) Ask people for email only, and it will be difficult to build a relationship with follow up emails. However, you will get more opt-ins and you can ask them, perhaps after one or two follow-up emails, "By the way, I'd really like to know your name. What do your friends call you?" "Click here and let me know"
That "Click here and let me know" link in my follow up message sends them through to a blog of mine with just a "contact-us" page. Whenever, I get a message from that source I just compare their email address with any that I have registered in my list and appropriately add the first name. Sometimes you get idiots and pranksters, but you have to put up with that.
3.) Ask people to give their first name and email address, you can send them emails that are more friendly and make them feel like a friend, but you won't get as many opt-ins as with number 2.) above.
I hope this helps,
Thanks a lot for you reply, Gordon. So, talking from the click seller side, how would you manage an order from a buyer that asks for "too much" infos to the visitors or a buyer with a sales letter as landing page for the traffic you send him? I am quite sure that it won't convert, no matter how targeted the swipe or your traffic is. Am I wrong?
Hi Maurizio,
I am not a Solo Ad seller, so my response is probably not worth listening to.
Gordon and Liz Milton Tel: 01606 212-295
On 7 August 2016 at 16:21, Udimi forum wrote:
> [image: Udimi] Maurizio Pace. Thanks a lot for you > reply, Gordon. So, talking from the click seller side, how would you manage > an order from a buyer that asks for "too much" infos to the visitors or a b >
If you want to maximize conversions on your lead capture page just ask for their email.
Yeah, that's what I do for my own pages (just email or name + email at most). But my question was different. I just wanted to know how to deal with orders from clients that doesn't have a similar squeeze page setup. Would it be the case to reject the order and ask the client to build a simpler squeeze page (plus a proper follow-up) to maximize their conversions in order to get a better optin rate?
Hello everybody! I have a quick question for you:
I am used to send my traffic to simple name + email submit (or just email submit) squeeze pages and I believe this is the most effective and safe way to warm up people and then generate sales (lead capture + follow ups).
I got some requests to send traffic to more complex squeeze pages (name + address + phone etc...) or just to the plain sales pages where the user has no other options than buy or fly away.
Do you think it would be better to reject that kind of orders (or suggest to create a simple squeeze page)?
What's your experience?