Forum Solo ads Nice New Help Section

4221 / 18
410 posts / 355 likes

Looks like Udimi just updated their help section. I get asked a LOT of question and I don't mind helping people. But MOST of what I tell people come from the help section. I constant just send the a message with a link to one of their pages...

Anyway Kudo to Udimi for making it a lot easier to help people...


38 posts / 5 likes

yes. I just notice that a few days back.

congrats to Udimi team.

3474 / 14
125 posts / 94 likes

Totally agree!

Kudos to Udimi team!

21 posts / 6 likes

Thanks for point that out.

I have learn lots of knowledge from the Help section.

Kudos to the Udimi team for providing the useful details.

2 posts / 0 likes
William McRea
William McRea on 3 Mar 2017 at 00:44

Looks like Udimi just updated their help section. I get asked a LOT of question and I don't mind helping people. But MOST of what I tell people come from the help section. I constant just send the a message with a link to one of their pages... Anyway Kudo to Udimi for making it a lot easier to help

Hi Mr. Mcrea:

I would like to know if you can promote this affiliate page?

I would appreciate your opinion on this.

Thank you,


1 post / 0 likes

Thanks for all ...

626 posts / 570 likes
William McRea
William McRea on 3 Mar 2017 at 00:44

Looks like Udimi just updated their help section. I get asked a LOT of question and I don't mind helping people. But MOST of what I tell people come from the help section. I constant just send the a message with a link to one of their pages... Anyway Kudo to Udimi for making it a lot easier to help

thank you. We are working to improve help section. Any suggestions are welcome!

Best, Uncle Dimitry.