Forum Solo ads Suggestion for change to Solo Deals page

848 / 36
453 posts / 156 likes

I think the Solos Deals page shouldn't have the 10 promoted spots at the top. Promoted deals already get every benefit imagineable(front page of udimi, email to newsletter, top spot on Find Sellers pages, and every other benefit you can imagine), and its a month long queue. For $147 its a great deal, you get massive exposure.

Regular deals get.... bumped to 10th spot on the Solo Deals page. Basically for $47 you get almost nothing.

Why don't you at least make it so the Solo Deals page anyone who pays their $47 gets bumped to the top spot. The promoted deals still get all the benefits they get, except they compete like everyone else on the Solo Deals page. Just something to add some value to regular solo deals?

279 / 1
52 posts / 42 likes

Exactly what are "Every benefit imaginable" other than the newsletter and the top spots on the solo deals page? Am I missing something?
I would hazard a guess that the solos deals page gets more sales for sellers than the newsletter so why should people paying $47 get more exposure than people paying $150?

848 / 36
453 posts / 156 likes

Promoted deals also are shown on the front page of login, and they get a little star next to their name on every page that says promoted. It just seems like regular deals have too few benefits compared with promoted deals. The only optons are $150 for being list on every page of the site, or $47 to be listed 10th place max on a single page of the site (solo deals page).

The system works already so it probably doesn't really matter. Just maybe some future consideration between the benefits of the two deal packages.

116 posts / 135 likes

I would like to add that I, as a buyer, sometimes scroll way down the list to find a deal and possibly a list that isn't gettting hit by all other buyers. When you are in the top spot as a seller, yes, you get business, but for a buyer I think that your list is getting hit hard, so I sometimes go to the bottom of the list and it gets me sales and high opt-ins. But i do use the top seller at times, I mix it up. I would hope that all buyers think about that. I have good results no matter who I use, so it just pays to be in Udimi

848 / 36
453 posts / 156 likes

Yeah I guess I should just be thankful that the promoted deals have a queue now, and it isn't like it was a year ago when there was no queue and the 10 promoted spots were locked up by the same people all the time.

4216 / 18
410 posts / 355 likes

Certainly makes it easier and more fairer for people to participate I wont disagree with that. Not sure if this change is all that good for Udimi. Some of the people that have always been on the deal page near the top have geared up to deliver large quantities for much of that business is being spread out...which is fine. I would think Udimi would have more issues with people unable to deliver traffic and that would hurt their business, but its all good as far as I am concerned.

It would be nice if the top add was displayed an equal amount of time for each person...last two times I bumped I was number 3 within hours of the bump while other stay there for a few days... Makes no sense to me considering I waited two weeks for the bump to begin with...everyone should get the same amount of time in each of the positions...

I would rather do more business with Udimi then other place, but during the valleys I am forced to sell traffic in other places.

Good luck!

lol happened again... I wait two weeks to get bumped and I am #3 in 10 minutes... this really should be made more balance

848 / 36
453 posts / 156 likes

Thanks for your input William. You can still have a promoted deal running every day if you buy 1 every 7 days, 4 promoted deals total, then in a month after the queue wait you will have 1 promoted deal running every 7 days. I agree they should rotate the promoted deals, on page load or something similar, on the solo deals page.

4216 / 18
410 posts / 355 likes

Yeah I figured that out..thanks Jame