Forum Solo ads How to insert images and buy buttons in solo ad swipes

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I am brand new at online marketing and I am just now starting to get into solo ads since it seems to be the easiest way to get targeted traffic from the limited knowledge I have so far.

I have been trying to do some solo ad swipes here but none of the pictures or buy buttons I paste seem to save. Are images and other types of files not allowed on solo ads swipes or am I doing something wrong.

Thanks for any advice or help on this issue.

218 posts / 71 likes
Manny Estrada
Manny Estrada on 3 Jul 2017 at 01:17

I am brand new at online marketing and I am just now starting to get into solo ads since it seems to be the easiest way to get targeted traffic from the limited knowledge I have so far. I have been trying to do some solo ad swipes here but none of the pictures or buy buttons I paste seem to save. Ar

Hello Manny,

Unfortunately it`s not possible to use images in swipe messages.