Forum Solo ads Low return from solo ads

2 posts / 0 likes

What do you do when you only received 9% from a 100 ads.

What could be some reason for low results.


848 / 36
453 posts / 156 likes

It could be anything. How impressive the landing page is. How much mass appeal the offer has. Is the offer specific or more broad, more broad will get more optins, but more specific will get fewer but more targeted subscribers. How easy or complicated the offer is. Really have to test different landing pages and see which one works best. 100 clicks is a very small sample size of anyones list.

2 posts / 0 likes
James on 29 Dec 2017 at 03:50

It could be anything. How impressive the landing page is. How much mass appeal the offer has. Is the offer specific or more broad, more broad will get more optins, but more specific will get fewer but more targeted subscribers. How easy or complicated the offer is. Really have to test different land

Thanks for your response.

Here is my landing page URL check it out and let me know what you think.
