CB offers usually do well with my list. I also have buyers in my list from my own products there.
Also thanks for your purchase I'm sure you will find other good solo providers here as many are active on cb.
Hi Martin,
My list was built from users interested in Biz-Op products, like those offered on CB, Jvzoo, Max-Bounty etc. However traffic is only one part of the conversion formula in affiliate marketing.
You would need to have a
1.Landing/squeeze page that sorta pre-frames the offer, providing continuity for the subscriber. what i mean is this, if your landing page is talking about how to generate traffic you cant place a bitcoin offer at the other end.
2. Follow up email sequence, pulling at the emotional strings and those impulse buy triggers. You dont have to always sell on your emails, sometimes you just need to remind them how better their lives can be if only they had the benefits provided by your offer..time freedom, travel, etc.
3.If you want to take things a step further you can add your Facebook profile for them to connect with you and see its actually a real person on the other side. For this to be effective you need to have utmost belief in the benefits offered by the product you are advertising.
If you have all these pieces in place and need quality traffic you can check out my solo deals, place an order and i'll unleash the best email traffic to your landing pages.
Have done many Clickbank offers successfully. 96%-100% Tier 1 + Generous Bonuses of 50 Clicks or More for Orders Over 150 Clicks or More
Looking for a good ClickBank list.
Martin Olson