5.0 (42)
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Is it strange that 50 people opt in to your list, double opt in , must confirm, then only 6 open the first email?

5.0 (4284)
411 posts / 355 likes

Honestly that would be typical. I would not use double optin for ANY reason. Ive been doing this since 2004


5.0 (42)
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William McRea
William McRea on 3 Jun 2018 at 15:58

Honestly that would be typical. I would not use double optin for ANY reason. Ive been doing this since 2004

They went through the confirmation process, then didn't open the email. That never happened before. You're a seller so I will ask you. Do you think anything is "fishy" with that

5.0 (42)
15 posts / 1 like
William McRea
William McRea on 3 Jun 2018 at 15:58

Honestly that would be typical. I would not use double optin for ANY reason. Ive been doing this since 2004

UPDATE.. actually only 3 opens... 6% Not Happy...

5.0 (4284)
411 posts / 355 likes
Bob Kennedy
Bob Kennedy on 3 Jun 2018 at 16:44

UPDATE.. actually only 3 opens... 6% Not Happy...

I am not surprised AT ALL... At the end of the day this is a numbers game. More leads more opens more clicks. Double optin results in WAY fewer leads, and they are no more responsive than single optin leads.

I simply flush leads...Thousands of leads per day and push them through the system. Single optin increases the size of my net so I have a bigger group of leads. I only email engaged leads and get about a 40% open rate...but thats because I flush leads that don't open after 30 days

I mean do what you want, I wish you all the success in the world.


5.0 (42)
15 posts / 1 like
William McRea
William McRea on 3 Jun 2018 at 17:23

I am not surprised AT ALL... At the end of the day this is a numbers game. More leads more opens more clicks. Double optin results in WAY fewer leads, and they are no more responsive than single optin leads. I simply flush leads...Thousands of leads per day and push them through the system. Single o

I understand what your saying Bill. Usually once I get someone to confirm though, the rate of opening the first email is somewhere around 60%.

4.9 (884)
453 posts / 156 likes

Spam filters get updated every week/month. You might check your domain reputation you are sending from and try a different domain. Your followup emails could be getting filtered and never being seen by your subscribers.

5.0 (42)
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James on 3 Jun 2018 at 23:08

Spam filters get updated every week/month. You might check your domain reputation you are sending from and try a different domain. Your followup emails could be getting filtered and never being seen by your subscribers.

Thanks Harrison. I will check.

5.0 (4284)
411 posts / 355 likes
Bob Kennedy
Bob Kennedy on 3 Jun 2018 at 21:36

I understand what your saying Bill. Usually once I get someone to confirm though, the rate of opening the first email is somewhere around 60%.

I used double optin for many years when I was selling software they had to confirm to get their activation CODE...but these were buyers. A list is not a list is not a list. Solo ad list are very used to "checking out" whats on the other side. They are not usually motivated to confirm or open other emails.Solo ad sellers including myself have to push our list HARD to get clicks... This make a list stale very fast.

When you have list from a product launch, those leads are amazing they open, confirm and buy. It's these leads that make up the bulk of my 7 figure income on annual basis.

I will confirm what Harrison says...Spam filters are horrible now day. This is the main reason I don't give people or use other peoples swipe. Gmail is part of Google and Google is a search engine. I dont know where you get your email content but SWIPE is likely to get filtered by gmail. SO the best strategy is double optin, buyers list and with Aweber...LOL...hard to do. Otherwise its a straight numbers game.

I agree with you 6% open rate on an existing double optin list is really bad.


5.0 (42)
15 posts / 1 like

Thank you Bill. From my experience so far once people go through the process, and trouble of the double opt in, the open rate is much higher on the first email. Thanks again for your help.

4.9 (884)
453 posts / 156 likes

The average person gets around 100 emails a day in the inbox, not to mention more emails in their spam box most of the time they don't even see. It takes a lot to get people to open email these days. Depending on the email 6 opens out of 50 sent can be a good rate.

5.0 (42)
15 posts / 1 like

It was actually 3 opens.... 6% I usually get around 50% on the first email.

5.0 (8)
2 posts / 1 like

its depend on your email subject too, sometimes they simply just optin and do not open up any mail too.