Forum Solo ads Looking to buy solos for the outdoor enthusiast,hunting ,fishing niche

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I have an online fishing tackel store and looking to buy solo ads

800 / 9
140 posts / 81 likes
Bob Edwards
Bob Edwards on 7 Jul 2018 at 17:19

I have an online fishing tackel store and looking to buy solo ads

I think almost all seller here don't do fishing niche as mostly do Make Money Online niche and few do weight loss niche. I will suggest you to try facebook ads but be advised that it will take sometimes to get the hang of it. Cheers.

3 posts / 0 likes

I agree with Evi. For a niche like fishing tackle, Facebook ads would be the best place for your marketing campaign.

You could also search fishing and tackle websites and see if they have newsletters. Offer to pay them for sending out emails to their patrons. Basically a solo ad.

This is a bit more tricky as you don't know how old the members of the newsletter are or if they are active at all.

Search fishing groups on Facebook. Add a helpful comment and leave a link you your site.

Hope this helps!

Cass Neilson