Tracy I can likely help.
Tracy Phillips on 18 May 2019 at 18:47
Is there anybody that can help me with my site I am new. I have been rejected Twice this is my site I want to buy 100 clicks at about 40 to 45 cents. Thank you
I can help but will need to see your web site link, please PM me with your problem and link
Bill Abbott
message me I am more than happy to help out
You probably got rejected because:
- You don't have an opt in page
- The buyer doesn't have a list for your page
Freel free to PM me your link as well, if it's in the make money market etc I can help. If it's a health/development offer I can't help :)
There is a gift for you
Is there anybody that can help me with my site I am new. I have been rejected
Twice this is my site I want to buy 100 clicks at about 40 to 45 cents.
Thank you