Forum Solo ads With the same seller; first campaign wonderfull. second bad

3 posts / 1 like


I am newbie with this service. I have done two campaigns
with the same link supplier with only 4 days between them. First time was wonderful,
I bought quite more than I thought, but second one was terrible and I lost

Someone can explain this and tell me how to avoid it, next
time I do a campaign ? Is possible it was because 2 time were repeat email accounts
? Is better to change seldom the emails provider ?

184 / 1
104 posts / 33 likes

It's hard to explain why this happens John, I wouldn't blame the seller as it's 4 days and they will probably have many fresh leads in that time, I find that every now and again I get a bad run and this is usually just a one off . If you get a good provider it's good to stick with them but as the saying goes don't put all your eggs in one basket.

Bill Abbott

8 posts / 4 likes
John on 25 Sep 2019 at 15:06

Hi, I am newbie with this service. I have done two campaignswith the same link supplier with only 4 days between them. First time was wonderful,I bought quite more than I thought, but second one was terrible and I lostmoney. Someone can explain this and tell me how to avoid it, nexttime I do a campa

Are you following up those who opted in?

3 posts / 1 like
Shaun Rigby
Shaun Rigby on 25 Sep 2019 at 18:19

Are you following up those who opted in?

Are you following up those who opted in?

Sorry I do not understand, explain it please.

3 posts / 1 like
Bill Abbott
Bill Abbott on 25 Sep 2019 at 15:55

It's hard to explain why this happens John, I wouldn't blame the seller as it's 4 days and they will probably have many fresh leads in that time, I find that every now and again I get a bad run and this is usually just a one off . If you get a good provider it's good to stick with them but as the sa

So you think the leads were fresh and it was only a bad luck case ?

29 / 1
70 posts / 15 likes
John on 25 Sep 2019 at 15:06

Hi, I am newbie with this service. I have done two campaignswith the same link supplier with only 4 days between them. First time was wonderful,I bought quite more than I thought, but second one was terrible and I lostmoney. Someone can explain this and tell me how to avoid it, nexttime I do a campa

Hey John,

It's not a guarantee you will get a great result. Solo ads should help you to get fast leads after it will depend on your offer and how you follow up your leads.

Engaged Leads 85% up to 100% T1 MMO convert with CPA offers, affiliate links ..

1 post / 0 likes

Hi John,

This can happen. It can also happen that in the next campaign you couple of sales more than what you've hoped for.

But yeah, you can try different sellers, there are literally hundreds here!


184 / 1
104 posts / 33 likes

John, I would say that 95% of sellers here have good leads and are pretty good sellers, It's not really true that the sellers with the most sales are the ones to go with as they are more likely to send your traffic to lists that have been used a few times before for the same offer,the reason is because they have lots of orders to fulfil each day. Every seller has had a bad run at sometime and there is no guarantees.

Bill Abbott