Forum Solo ads How To Create A High-Converting Squeeze Page!

4 posts / 4 likes

Hey guys, I get tons of messages from newbies asking me what a good squeeze page looks like -- and I decided to share some info that will hopefully help solo ad buyers get better results.Although Iā€™m new here, Iā€™m not new to Internet Marketing... Iā€™ve probably created more squeeze pages than I can count (for my own projects and for my clients).This is going to be a super short post... sort of a step-by-step blueprint on how to create a killer, high-converting squeeze page:

Step 1 - Background Of Your Squeeze Page

After conducting tons of split tests and different crazy experiments, the data Iā€™ve got suggests a fancy background is definitely not needed.

In fact, the less elements your background contains, the better. You donā€™t want people to get distracted from the most important element of your squeeze page: your opt-in form. You wouldnā€™t believe it, but one of my best converting squeeze pages has a solid color as background (a dark grey that seems boring and dull, and doesnā€™t distract the visitor).Landscapes are great to use as well, especially beaches or mountains -- just make sure they donā€™t interfere too much with your opt-in form.

Step 2 - A Sensational, Persuasive Headline

This is the most important part of the puzzle. Get this right and your visitors will be compelled to join your list.

When writing the headline for your squeeze page, be specific and include a BIG, bold benefit... Try to be intriguing and use a ā€œsensationalā€ style -- that always works.

Hereā€™s an example of a good headline:

ā€œREVEALED: A Brand New, ā€˜Weirdā€™ Method To Transform Solo Ads Clicks Into Affiliate Sales... Over And Over Again!ā€

You see, thereā€™s a big promise, itā€™s specific... and I can assure you that people will opt-in like crazy just to see whatā€™s all about.

Keep your headline short, sweet and to the point (no more than 22 words).

Step 3 - Irresistible Call To Action

Great, your visitor just read your headline and is super excited about it! Now itā€™s time to tell him (or her) whatā€™s next:

Subscribing to your list! (Naturallyā€¦)

Tell them something like this:

ā€œGet FREE Access By Inserting Your Best Email Into The Form Below NOW...ā€

People need to get directions. If you donā€™t tell them what to do, theyā€™re gonna be confused and wonder what happens next. Take them by the hand, and show them the way!

Step 3 - Single Opt-In Form... And Double-Confirmation Off

This is my own personal preference and what suits my business best, but yours can be different. For better conversions, I prefer ONE form: email only.

The less info your visitors have to give away, the less resistance thereā€™s going to be.

I found out that I always get a better conversion rate when I only ask for the email, but as I said, this part depends on your objective.

I donā€™t like double-confirmation. Sure, itā€™s great for better deliverability, but youā€™ll lose tons of visitors when activating this option. Switch it off.

Step 4 - Text In Your Button & Button Color

Your subscribe button has to be BIG and irresistible -- you have to make people CLICK it, so use something like this (in caps):


The color of the button?

Well, I typically use a glossy orange or green, but it really depends on the background youā€™re using... Make sure thereā€™s some synergy and balance between the color of your button and your background.

IMPORTANT: Below the button in small font, add something like:
ā€œDonā€™t worry, I hate spam as much as you do, and thatā€™s why I Iā€™ll never rent or share your email address. Thatā€™s a promise.ā€

Step 5 - Add Legal Links At The Bottom

I know, itā€™s SUPER boring, but I promise you that youā€™ll increase your conversion rate if you use ā€œTerms Of Service,ā€ ā€œDisclaimer,ā€ and ā€œPrivacy Policyā€ links. It inspires TRUST to your visitors and makes you look like a true pro. Youā€™ll get more people to subscribe by being 100% compliant.

Thatā€™s it!

I mean, entire books can be written on the science of creating compelling, email-sucking squeeze pages, but these 5 steps will hopefully help you get better results when you buy solo ads.

Also, a lot of marketers usually want ā€œpretty squeeze pages,ā€ but the ā€œuglyā€ ones perform much, much better...

Of course, you should still aim for an eye-catching squeeze page, but what really matters is the copy you use + the call to action.

In other words... THE BIG PROMISE. :)

Iā€™m signing off... I hope this helps you create better squeeze pages for your online business!

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62 posts / 32 likes

Good stuff !

2 posts / 2 likes

Thanks for the post mate. It is very helpful.

1 post / 0 likes

Thank you so much for posting this! Let me ask you a question, what do you think about Quiz Funnels? Doing a quick quiz before send them to the opt-in page. Has it better results or not so much? Thanks a lot!

4 posts / 4 likes

Hey Eduardo,

To be honest, I never tried that method... But, you gave me some ideas. :)



4 posts / 3 likes

Very informative & helpful... Thank you

6 posts / 5 likes
Cesar Galano
Cesar Galano on 1 Jun 2020 at 00:48

Hey guys, I get tons of messages from newbies asking me what a good squeeze page looks like -- and I decided to share some info that will hopefully help solo ad buyers get better results.Although Iā€™m new here, Iā€™m not new to Internet Marketing... Iā€™ve probably created more squeeze pages than I can c


Thank you Cesar, this post is excellent and highlights a lot of nuggets we need to consider with building a landing page.

Best wishes to your success.

1 post / 1 like
Cesar Galano
Cesar Galano on 1 Jun 2020 at 00:48

Hey guys, I get tons of messages from newbies asking me what a good squeeze page looks like -- and I decided to share some info that will hopefully help solo ad buyers get better results.Although Iā€™m new here, Iā€™m not new to Internet Marketing... Iā€™ve probably created more squeeze pages than I can c


thx alot my friend ;)