Forum Solo ads 1 week delay in sending campaign

1 post / 1 like

What can i do if a seller delays sending a campaign for 1 week after accepting order. I wanted emails sent last week. The date set by seller has now been set at 20th oct. Can i cancel the order or is it too late once he has accepted

7313 / 245
197 posts / 71 likes

you can cancel an order at anytime . After the run starts its up to the seller if he or she wishes to refund . Its not a good idea to frequently refund as it then gets listed your percentage of refunds and all sellers can see this when you submit the order

44 posts / 20 likes

Martin, when placing an order, you have to select the date when the seller has to start delivery. The seller will not be able to start delivery later than on the scheduled date. The seller also cannot change the delivery start date.

Please check the tutorial

Every solo ad must be delivered within 100 hours, or it will be refunded by the system.

Contact Udimi support via the Help section so we could further assist you.

3473 / 14
125 posts / 94 likes

You can also ask the seller if he can start earlier. Unless you placed the order with the "No early start allowed" option (I guess you didn't) the seller can start even immediately.