"Recently I am getting almost 100% filtered rate as "JavaScript off" I am referring to my filtered clicks being 100% marked as "JavaScript off", not 100% of my traffic. In some orders is as high as 50%
My seller mode is blocked due to having too many "useless" clicks I guess. First time in 7 years.
See attach
I think maybe some buyers, they are people that buy from you and then they send you a bunch of filtered traffic just to make you look bad.
I do 9 solos fine, then one person buys with a link that I get 80% filtered and it makes me look back. It seems like they run a program to send a bunch of filtered clicks to get you in trouble.
I wish Udimi would just let sellers sell what they have, and buyers can choose to buy from them or not. The obsession over filtered clicks and useless clicks is rediculous. They should just remove those 2 categories.
Its always the buyers with 0 reviews, or that haven't bought a solo in 6 months it seems usually. They give you a link then get you 80% filtered and automatic refund.
Then they post on your profile that they didn't get 1 optin from 200 clicks, its silly.
James, I understand you but we're talking for a different issue here.
Filtered clicks are normal.
The normal filtered rate consist of some JavaScript off,some cookies off and some click exchange
This is a different issue, I am talking about 100% of the filtered clicks being marked as "JavaScript Off"
Yeah please check the system udimi because that sounds very strange
Just checked mine and it seems it looks ok my end Kujtim. 1 java from 100 order. Looked at a couple and does not look out of the ordinary now. I wonder what could be the problem
I am not sure what it could be Patrick
These clicks are not returned back to me like the usual filtered clicks
They're marked as such long time after being delivered
Hello Kujtim,
We've reviewed the filtered clicks on your recent orders. They all were filtered because they didn't support JavaScript in their browsers.
This can happen because they are using browsers that don't support JS, they turned off JS in their browsers, they are some kind of bots, or some other reason.
Please review the filtered clicks that you delivered and how they were generated.
We cannot disclose some technical details, but "Javascript is off" clicks can not be returned to the filtered clicks link.
hey ... so is this javasript stuff going to be solved or it will last for days. ??
Yes, This happens to me as well. Very Annoying!
I also get a lot of "Too much traffic from one service provider" (ie. Spectrum, Comcast, AT&T , etc)
So, if you are saying that they are using a browser without javascript they are actually wasted? I did not know javascript filtered clicks where going down the drain
Apparently. Udimis filtering is out of control!
Udimi should really look at the Residential IP Networks closer like Illuminati. Many sellers here go undetected delivering fake clicks, especially the sellers that deliver almost all mobile traffic as Illuminati is made up of mostly Mobile IP's.
All go have to do is search google for "Residential IP network" and you will see all the networks sellers use to deliver fake clicks that look like real clicks.
Then they setup Google Chrome with these extensions Canvas Defender, Cookie AutoDelete, Location Guard, Random User-Agent. Then they use Illuminati to switch their IP each time they visit your site, and optin 40% of the time so you get high optins and are happy. But no one real ever visits your link, only the seller using a residential ip network. There is no way to detect it as some of the residential ip networks have millions of ip's, and there is no way that udimi can block them all.
OK now I also got that huge list of javascript off. No clue why there is a spike of it
Also, why is traffic filtered if " Cookies are off"? Many people don't enable cookies!
Hey guys,
Recently I am getting almost 100% filtered rate as "JavaScript off". These clicks are being marked as such after being delivered. They're not returned back to the filter url
This is ridiculous. It can't be that way.
Anyone else?
To udimi team,check your filter please.
This is unreasonable