Forum Solo ads 3 Tips of Finding the Best Seller ***For First Time Buyers***

35 posts / 46 likes

Hi All

Using Udimi as a buyer for the first time can be rather daunting. This piece will help you navigate the user interface and find the perfect buyer for your offer.

1.Solo Deals

This is typically a collection of sellers who have special offers for a limited time period. It is a great place to start. (These are also typically the most active sellers). The algorithm of Udimi ensures that the sellers that have purchased an advertising spot most recently take up top spot. So you can be sure that you are getting the most relevant and fresh deals

2.Finding Seller using search

If you have specific traffic needs - for example, You are looking for sellers providing "Biz Opp" traffic. Seller searching is another great tool to use. When you identify a seller - Check how often that seller gets repeat businesses. This is in my opinion the best indicator on Udimi. Because nobody will buy from someone who has terrible traffic twice.

3.Contact multiple sellers

One of the key things you want as a buyer is great communication from a Seller. So send various sellers messages and ask about their services, share with them your landing page and they will let you know if your offer is suitable for their list.

Hope this helps you navigate Udimi slightly better, and makes the process of placing your first order slightly easier.


Mogale one of Africa's top providers of Tier 1 traffic (100%+ Tier 1 traffic)

10 posts / 3 likes

Thanks a lot, Mogale!

Great tips.

Cheers, Tim

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