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How do i get the 5 dollars off after my first purchase?

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You Will get your $5 discount Atomaticly

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225 posts / 40 likes
Kamoi Saunders
Kamoi Saunders on 25 Jan 2023 at 18:00

How do i get the 5 dollars off after my first purchase?

Hello Kamoi,

To find your coupon code, please go to the Home page, scroll down to the "My Orders" section, and click the big red button "You have a discount". You won't see the button if you have no coupons available.

Here is a direct link to your coupons: (available only on the desktop version of Udimi)

If you have any questions, please don't hesitate to contact Udimi Support from the Help page.

Shakil | Customer Support Specialist | Udimi