Forum Solo ads Best way to track your solo ads?

2 posts / 0 likes

After buying a solo ad. What is the best way to track the statistics of the ad?

3 posts / 1 like

If you buy the solo here, the tracking system associated with this website, along with the opt-in and buyer info from your own autoresponder, should provide all the stats you need, presumably.

14 posts / 0 likes

I also add cpvlab tracking in addition to what Chris said then if all the numbers add up I can feel 100% I got what I paid for!

160 / 3
220 posts / 41 likes

Trust me Dan what the tracker says here is suffice as its a buyer paradise the trackers here...

14 posts / 0 likes

OK Rick, I'll try to buy again (I tried yesterday and got rejected) then test it. Hopefully it's a buyers paradise as you say that will be nice for us buyers!

160 / 3
220 posts / 41 likes

On getting click quantity yes on quality then I can't say about that... !! Why did the seller reject the offer what was it?