Forum Solo ads Udimi ERROR/BROKEN tracking

1037 / 7
46 posts / 38 likes

I sent my solos and notices most or all clicks ending up in filter today.. then I found that is reporting error and not redirecting people to the website. When subscribers click on the links in the email this is the error they get and are not redirected to the page.

This is the error: ---------------------------------------------------- The Page at says: Realplexor JS lib not found ----------------------------------------------------

32 posts / 19 likes

I am getting more than usual filtered clicks as well.

3230 / 13
31 posts / 31 likes

I'm agreeing with Nicole... I'm seeing the filters removing perfectly good clicks. The software seems to be full of Christmas cheer and labeling genuine traffic as "Robot" clicks.... My filtered out % is waaaay up. I hope all Santa's little helpers at Udimi haven't gone on holiday.... and left the software "Home Alone"

179 / 9
55 posts / 45 likes

I am also getting ALOT more filtered clicks as well.

i agree john hopefully this issue will be fixed soon!

32 posts / 19 likes

I guess the error is just occurring to us "cute" sellers ;)

2270 / 5
339 posts / 161 likes
John Coburn
John Coburn on 26 Dec 2014 at 20:13

I'm agreeing with Nicole... I'm seeing the filters removing perfectly good clicks. The software seems to be full of Christmas cheer and labeling genuine traffic as "Robot" clicks.... My filtered out % is waaaay up. I hope all Santa's little helpers at Udimi haven't gone on holiday.... and left the s

there igoring or filtering perfect good clicks

agree john hopefully this issue will be fixed soon too or maybe we should stop sending?

3230 / 13
31 posts / 31 likes

I have sent a ticket to support in Udimi.... am awaiting a response. I do hope they are not all on holiday this weekend. I am contacting my buyers and delaying sending solos. I don't want my subscribers to be taken to a broken page.

It's probably just a technical issue... these things happen.

Any other sellers experiencing this problem .... please post a comment below and also message support in Udimi.

3790 / 15
2 posts / 4 likes

Same problem here!

1526 / 1
239 posts / 246 likes


276 / 9
16 posts / 33 likes

maybe we all need write support tickets.

2270 / 5
339 posts / 161 likes
John Coburn
John Coburn on 26 Dec 2014 at 21:46

I have sent a ticket to support in Udimi.... am awaiting a response. I do hope they are not all on holiday this weekend. I am contacting my buyers and delaying sending solos. I don't want my subscribers to be taken to a broken page. It's probably just a technical issue... these things happen. Any ot

I put in support no word

I put in a support ticket

626 posts / 570 likes

I'll make sure this will be fixed asap!


That was a technical glitch. Sorry people for inconvenience

3230 / 13
31 posts / 31 likes

Many thanks Uncle,

Great to see you can fix things fast....

Just another reason why Udimi is the best place to do online business.

Happy holidays to all... and have a great 2015

2270 / 5
339 posts / 161 likes
Uncle Dimitry
Uncle Dimitry on 27 Dec 2014 at 11:25

I'll make sure this will be fixed asap! fixed. That was a technical glitch. Sorry people for inconvenience

Thank you

179 / 9
55 posts / 45 likes

thank you!!

27 posts / 21 likes

Happy Holidays folks!