Damn, that's bad news. Following...
Anybody experienced paypal withdrawal failed? One of my friend's paypal is also limited due to accepting payment from udimi.
Paypal limitation usually triggered when relatively large amount of cash suddenly poured in and to make it even worse if the account is relatively new. One of my friend a veteran in IM world who own 11 years old paypal account got limitation too when large amount of cash suddenly coming in.
Just so you guys know, Paypal turned in a bunch of rev shares to the SEC and froze the accounts. Now the SEC is investigating Paypal! Karma sucks!
See attach
Paypal limitation usually triggered when relatively large amount of cash suddenly poured in and to make it even worse if the account is relatively new. One of my friend a veteran in IM world who own 11 years old paypal account got limitation too when large amount of cash suddenly coming in.
My firend last payment from udimi was last week and the limitation happened yesterday.
See attach
I can only assume that Paypal think Udimi is a rev share which is not good news forthose of us that use Paypal to withdraw.
Time for mass migration to Payoneer
The 2nd attempt of withdrawal is successful.. Hope This is just a glitch
Just so you guys know, Paypal turned in a bunch of rev shares to the SEC and froze the accounts. Now the SEC is investigating Paypal! Karma sucks!
Udimi is not a revshare...all revshare's by there very design are actually recruitment based and when the recruitment goes down they fail...thus PayPal will not process payments... so think twice before promoting revshares.
Udimi offers a real service and is only a middle man... call PayPal and talk to them. I did that two years ago and they approved my account up to 40,000 a month. We are receiving a payment for delivering a service...call them!
Yes my Friend got his paypal back.. All good now. Thanks
Good to hear the paypal was restored! We all know paypal does not like solo dealers.
Anybody experienced paypal withdrawal failed?
One of my friend's paypal is also limited due to accepting payment from udimi.