People are of the misconceptions that people don’t sign up or buy with their phones..... problem is I spend hundreds of dollars a week with Amazonvia my phone and I read all email via my iPad. I fill no mobile orders happily, but it’s try missed opportunity for people. Vendors that don’t make it easy to buy via phone are just plain stupid.
I agree with both sides. I offer 'no mobile' & 'only mobile' for whatever the buyer is promoting. I want to be able to accommodate as many as possible.
I agree Phones are small screened and if the person is of the older generation reading on these devices is most difficult. I think that's why some buyers don't want Mobiles. Personally I think they are missing out on some of the market, I like to cover all my bases whether it's Mobiles or not.
I run over 100+ affiliate pharmacy websites and we tested on many occasions leaving mobile ON ( if a mobile surfer visits you serve up mobile version ) Guess what people 19% to 27% more sales leaving it in desktop mode.
lol... very strange indeed
Very good points from everone here. Regardless of what the buyer wants it's good to see that they can find what they are looking for here on Udimi and get quality traffic to their offers.
Some clients are looking for a No Mobile Trafic or Desktop Only Traffic, while most sellers will reject this type of order because the fact that 56% traffic is Mobile traffic.
What offers do well with No Mobile Traffic?
No Mobile Traffic or Desktop Only Traffic attract older demographics in general (50's-60's), this is a simple fact and I’m pretty sure it’s gonna stay this way for quite some time. I mean, mobile devices have small screens and a bit hard to use keyboards – this is not something that would suit older people.
Older people are known to be better audience for some products, they tend to complaint less, they also retain better … this is not a universal rule of course, but there are verticals where you will get literally double the payouts for 50+ people
I myself welcome No Mobile traffic order because I happened to do mobile and no mobile segmentation and also it pays higher than normal one.