Forum Solo ads how can collect big email list ! to make passive income monthly from affiliate marketing ?
It depends on what you promote pal.
Some offers are one-time commission-based (some refundable, some non-refundable)
Other offers can be recurring commissions or high tickets etc.
Once you have a big enough email list that is responsive, congratulations, you have just set up a true blue "push-button" system.
Imagine every day at the push of your "send" button, you get active and passive income between 300-500 bucks and it only requires 30 mins of your time at most.
Isnt that passive enough?
There are many ways to build your email list and udimi is definitely a good choice if you know who to buy the clicks from. Other methods will include free ads online, social media marketing etc.
Send me a message if you wanna learn more.
The size of your email has nothing to do with making consistent income. The more, the better, but in reality, what truly matters is how you collect the leads, segment them, and treat them.
Buying solo's is excellent, but if you want to make consistent money, you best learn how to convert the leads you get regardless of the traffic source.
Having a list does not preclude you from being a marketer. I convert guaranteed leads every day, but I had to learn how to do it...That's the question you should be asking yourself.
You are in the right place to buy solos....Best of luck
hi every one im new here how long was the wait time after getting accepted to get a lead?
hello ,
how can collect big email list ! to make passive income monthly from affiliate marketing ?
i need good stratgy to collect big number in my email list helps me to make passive income monthly , is from udimi only or shall i make another promotions ?