Forum Solo ads Low engagement rates on email?

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This unfortunately is something we can not "fix" for you, but I do have some advice.

My company uses a self-hosted ESP to manage solo ads, and we service the e-commerce business for major retailers. If we were not able to inbox our email we would NOT be in business very long. The fact is we can inbox because my staff are highly trained and we use and own many SMTP servers. This is used solely for solo ad delivery to e-commerce, commercial email clients, and Udimi orders.

No, this is something that you probably will never be able to do, but...I test things

I use Aweber and Getresponse to manage the sales funnels I build for my information products. There has been a definite reduction in engagement and response rates since December. I was able to overcome this and actually get the best inboxing I've ever had from these services.

We did this by implementing the autoresponders requirements for DMARK and DKIM. These are DNS additions for your sending domains. BOOM it worked and we were able to see a dramatic improvement in Inboxing, including Gmail (etc).

So here is my advice....

Follow your autoresponder recommendations on setting these up...Not hard but may be scary to people who never worked on DNS settings in the past. Never send broadcast emails...everything is a scheduled autoresponder or drip campaign..... WHY....well every autoresponder has piles of clients trying to use their service to sell solo ads or import purchased leads. This results in huge complaints to the autoresponder. If you do large email broadcasts...with time, your response will decline...SIGNIFICANTLY. The autoresponder simply delivers your broadcast email on lower quality or degraded SMPT or IP addresses....These are not highly trusted by email service providers like the email gets sent to spam or never delivered.We use our email copy and never anyone's recommended swipe. It is so easy to write email swipe nowadays...just use ChatGPT! Remember your prompt makes a huge difference. WHY...if you use the same swipe as thousands of others....Google will eventually see it as spam and send it to the spam folder. There is no reason to use someone else's swipe anymore.

Set it and forget email systems are nice if configured properly and you are using leads from solo ads. But remember if this system is popular there will be thousands of people email the same content as yours...see number 3 above.

So there are some challenges, but it is worth overcoming them. Email marketing is more effective than it has ever been.

Best of luck
