5.0 (16)
1 post / 0 likes

Is there any seller delivering the clicks on the same day or the next day?
I'm asking as I ordered on Wednesday a month in advance, and most of the clicks I got were on a shity Saturday when the most clicks are not responding.  


4.4 (14)
1 post / 0 likes
Daniel P
Daniel P on 22 Jun 2024 at 20:59

Is there any seller delivering the clicks on the same day or the next day?I'm asking as I ordered on Wednesday a month in advance, and most of the clicks I got were on a shity Saturday when the most clicks are not responding.  

Hey Daniel, I can take care of you. My orders are delivered in 24 to 48 hrs 100- 1000 click

Dwane King

4.7 (7760)
199 posts / 71 likes
Daniel P
Daniel P on 22 Jun 2024 at 20:59

Is there any seller delivering the clicks on the same day or the next day?I'm asking as I ordered on Wednesday a month in advance, and most of the clicks I got were on a shity Saturday when the most clicks are not responding.  

Makes absolutely no difference on the day you run your solo ad the only difference is how fast it may complete usually during the week the solo ad will complete faster . As far as engagemnt in the subs themselves makes no difference.