Forum Solo ads Negative ratings are you annoyed by what is classed as a negative rating???

4.9 (163)
220 posts / 41 likes

So to continue my debate from other thread... with this thread... -------- Ok Uncle so on the next part of my 'time on site' debate do you think a negative rating(I don't think deserved a negative) is warranted regardless of the site quality I mean as you can see alot even leave ASAP quick on a good reasonable offer site but still high tail it quick hmm.... Maybe on negative ratings should be more of an option to rate sellers like a system if [points equal under 7/10 then is a negative(time on site, optins, sales(only if have in funnel) etc... hmm...anyway I think was unfair.. got my second bad rating in 3 years is it cause of that assumption.... --------

5.0 (121)
35 posts / 7 likes

Usually buyers do not leave rating though they get good result from our service. What to do? I delivered 15 but only one buyer left rating. What to do? Any tips?

4.5 (6)
35 posts / 4 likes

It seems like it's hard to get buyers to leave a review when you finish delivering clicks. But I bet if something went wrong they would be QUICK to say something negative! There should be an automatic positive rating unless the buyer has something negative to say, then the rating would change.

4.9 (163)
220 posts / 41 likes

Hey everyone thanks for replies but question is about should a negativo be left if buyers somehow determines his optins where on his site a short period of time. and not time given to leave a rating even though that's another huge debate as well... Rick Ling

4.5 (6)
35 posts / 4 likes

I don't think so I said in the other thread a click is a click! If a person visits your site, whether is 5 seconds or five minutes, that's a click.

5.0 (144)
14 posts / 5 likes
Rick Ling
Rick Ling on 28 Mar 2015 at 19:55

Hey everyone thanks for replies but question is about should a negativo be left if buyers somehow determines his optins where on his site a short period of time. and not time given to leave a rating even though that's another huge debate as well... Rick Ling

I feel that with all the filters on Udimi, if you deliver all the clicks, the buyer should not be able to give a bad rating.

5.0 (121)
35 posts / 7 likes
Yorke Lecroy
Yorke Lecroy on 29 Mar 2015 at 01:51

I feel that with all the filters on Udimi, if you deliver all the clicks, the buyer should not be able to give a bad rating.

All Udimi's sellers usually deliver all clicks. Some buyers want sales. But no one can guarantee for sales. Sales depends on many things. Really bad rating is harmful.

5.0 (144)
14 posts / 5 likes
Abdul Mannan
Abdul Mannan on 29 Mar 2015 at 02:13

All Udimi's sellers usually deliver all clicks. Some buyers want sales. But no one can guarantee for sales. Sales depends on many things. Really bad rating is harmful.

That's what I'm saying. If the seller sends all the clicks the buyer has purchased, then the buyer should not even be able to give a bad rating. Udimi says, only good clicks goes through their filter, so the buyer is only getting good clicks. The seller isn't selling buyers, just clicks.

5.0 (121)
35 posts / 7 likes
Yorke Lecroy
Yorke Lecroy on 29 Mar 2015 at 02:24

That's what I'm saying. If the seller sends all the clicks the buyer has purchased, then the buyer should not even be able to give a bad rating. Udimi says, only good clicks goes through their filter, so the buyer is only getting good clicks. The seller isn't selling buyers, just clicks.

Yes, you are right. Buyer should not.....

4.9 (163)
220 posts / 41 likes

Exactly, yet........................ we as sellers suffer hmm....

5.0 (330)
27 posts / 21 likes

I'm inclined to agree with Yorke here. Since the filters in place at Udimi filter out clicks that 'dont' make the grade' for whatever reason, then it's usually reasonable to assume that the clicks that are counted are 'good clicks'. So with that in mind, if a solo is fulfilled within the time period it cannot be the case that a buyer has received a negative experience and/or solo. If it is the case, then the filtering system is not up to par. What say you guys?

4.9 (163)
220 posts / 41 likes

Again agree but a negative is not going to be changed no matter what we say hmm..

5.0 (226)
9 posts / 2 likes

A negative can of course be removed simply by refunding the solo. It's not ideal, but as Abdul mentions it has the potential to be harmful, so better to simply refund it I think seeing Udimi have no system of arbitration and no plans of introducing one.

4.9 (145)
6 posts / 0 likes

One of my customer "Mark Haydin" left me negative rating today. He told that you didn't get many optins from 300 clicks. He got only 20 optins. So he left me negative rating. How amazing. I can see "Mark Haydin" is a new customer at udimi. He got only one positive rating as buyer that I gave him. How can I overcome this situation? Can anyone help me? Note that I am new at udimi and this negative rating is harming me.

5.0 (121)
35 posts / 7 likes
Mohd Asraful Islam
Mohd Asraful Islam on 31 Mar 2015 at 07:16

One of my customer "Mark Haydin" left me negative rating today. He told that you didn't get many optins from 300 clicks. He got only 20 optins. So he left me negative rating. How amazing. I can see "Mark Haydin" is a new customer at udimi. He got only one positive rating as buyer that I gave him. Ho

You should contact with buyer and request him to remove his rating.

4.9 (163)
220 posts / 41 likes

Hmm as I was told not possible to remove ratings unless refund in full the buyer and to me that's bad!! It opens up a can of worms bigtime. Basically if your a buyer you just threaten to give a bad rating and get a refund and hence a free solo as well, anyhow it just becoming more and more a buyers paradise in this place....