Forum Solo ads Solo Ad Seller Wanted

5.0 (12)
7 posts / 7 likes


I'm looking for a Solo Ad Seller that can deliver the following:

* A Guarantee of at least a 30% opt-in rate *

- If this number is not reached then either:

1) Continue to deliver traffic until number is reached, free of charge


2) Refund payment

I have money to invest in a large list and I am willing to pay.

I am looking for quality traffic in the Health & Fitness, Weight Loss Niche.

I am not interested in dabbling with 100 clicks here and there to find someone that delivers and then when I go to scale I get a measly 10%.

If you can not or are not willing to guarantee results this just tells me you don't have any confidence in your list, so please do not waste our time and money if you cannot deliver.

I am able to purchase 500 clicks per week until I see a return, then I will be willing to invest more.

If you agree to these terms then please let's work together :)

Thanks for reading,


5.0 (3064)
144 posts / 98 likes

You will find none or bots.

Good luck

5.0 (12)
7 posts / 7 likes

What's that mean? No one can deliver real people?

5.0 (3064)
144 posts / 98 likes

Real people yes but such guranties and money back no

5.0 (4244)
411 posts / 355 likes
Joshua on 29 Mar 2019 at 18:08

What's that mean? No one can deliver real people?


I just think he means no one will guarantee....if they do,it’s probably bots

Peoplehave great results with solo ads, but not every offer and every mailing will get in the same results


5.0 (12)
7 posts / 7 likes

Udimi has bots?

I guess I am looking for an equally beneficial business partnership where:

As a seller you're willing to deliver 150 Opt-Ins from a 500 click purchase.

As a buyer I would then guarantee a weekly purchase of 500 clicks until it runs it's course.

Sounds like a good deal to me but guess my head's in the clouds :)

5.0 (43)
19 posts / 10 likes

There's nobody that can guarantee this.

Just to bring my personal experience here, I tend to promote the same offer several times. Sometimes I get a 15% optin rate, some other times I get a 30%, some other times a higher rate.

The percentage of Optins depends on too many factors that sellers can't control.

Sometimes a visitor will decide to optin because he's having a good day, or because your offer comes to his eyes at the right moment. If your offer comes just five minutes after he argued with his wife, you lose the lead because he's not in the right mood anymore.

If some seller tells you that your proposal make sense, he tries to scam you.

I know sometimes it sucks, but try to accept any outcome your solo ads campaign will give you, it will be beneficial for your wallet and your business in the long term.

5.0 (4244)
411 posts / 355 likes
Joshua on 29 Mar 2019 at 19:41

Udimi has bots?I guess I am looking for an equally beneficial business partnership where:As a seller you're willing to deliver 150 Opt-Ins from a 500 click purchase.As a buyer I would then guarantee a weekly purchase of 500 clicks until it runs it's course.Sounds like a good deal to me but guess my


Udimi is probably the safest way to buy bot free traffic ...but anyone that guarantees something like that probably know exactly what their optin rate is because they set their bot factory up that way ...

Anyway good luck. Look for a Guarantee Leed program if you want a guarantee cpl


4.9 (884)
453 posts / 156 likes

You'll get the best results if you buy 50 or 100 clicks from many different sellers because you will get the most overdelivery percent on your orders overall, and you will get the most interested leads from their lists. Maybe in 2012 30+% optin rate was more possible, but its 2019 and I think 15% to 20% is more realistic considering how advanced email filters are and how inboxes have changed so much.

5.0 (34)
18 posts / 2 likes

I love the responses here. Honest, real. One of the reasons I have fallen in love with Udimi and the traffic you find here.

4.9 (95)
25 posts / 14 likes

Hi Joshua, You bought 9 solos so far, more you buy and more data you have from your funnel, then you can see a clear pattern in your results. Sometime up and sometimes down, but go for average in long run.

In long run, build your own set of sellers, whose traffic generally gives average results for your particular funnel.

You can see above, there are many genuine sellers giving you advice, who can help you out, but any hard and fast rules will not work out.

5.0 (185)
104 posts / 33 likes

I doubt any seller can give you those warranties and most likely sellers will be reluctant to want to deal with you because if the targets are not reached you will be giving negative feedback. I find the best buyers are the ones who communicate well and understand what we as sellers are trying to achieve for them, I will guarantee bot free traffic as most good sellers on here will but refunds for lack of optins never.

Bill Abbott

5.0 (1)
1 post / 1 like
Joshua on 29 Mar 2019 at 17:56

Hello, I'm looking for a Solo Ad Seller that can deliver the following: * A Guarantee of at least a 30% opt-in rate * - If this number is not reached then either: 1) Continue to deliver traffic until number is reached, free of charge OR 2) Refund payment I have money to invest in a large list and I


i feel the same

4.9 (884)
453 posts / 156 likes

Its like asking someone to write an A+ school paper for you every time, for the low price of 40 cents per click. Other traffic suppliers like google don't ever give refunds, they charge average $1 ot $2 per click and continuously raise the price per click on you through their "ad quality" algorithm, and their traffic has way more bots than Udimi sellers. Udimi is average 40 cents per click, not many places you can find top tier traffic for that low.

5.0 (12)
7 posts / 7 likes

Sellers aren't interested in a guaranteed monthly income?

4.9 (884)
453 posts / 156 likes

Its not really a guaranteed monthly income because you said you want a refund or free clicks if it doesn't go exactly how you want it to. But good luck I hope you find what you are looking for. I think you are underestimating the difficulty level of someone delivering 500 clicks per week to new people every time with no list burn and continuous high optin rate, someone would have to have a list in the millions to do that, very few sellers have that many subscribers.